So What Exactly is an Unbaptized Publisher

by MrsBee 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stevenyc

    Ozzie, the use of 'UN' is in the sense of 'without'. It is the same uasge in 'luck'. To be lucky or unliky, to be baptized or unbapitzed. The christian meaning of baptism is to have salvation. So unbaptized means without salvation.


  • ozziepost

    Interesting point, Steve.

    Now about that baptism necessary for salvation? The dubs say so, but are they correct? What about the guy on the cross alongside Jesus who repented at the last moment without being baptised; yet Jesus promised him a place in the kingdom?

    OK, I'm bad, I shouldn't go off topic. Sorry.

    I might start up a thread on that.

  • ozziepost

    Oops, I forgot what I was really gonna post!

    It is the same uasge in 'luck'. To be lucky or unliky, to be baptized or unbapitzed.

    But in un-lucky, again it's a positive act, the state of actually being without luck. It's as positive as the use of "lucky".

  • stevenyc

    Ozzy: But in un-lucky, again it's a positive act, the state of actually being without luck. It's as positive as the use of "lucky".

    un-baptised is the state of being without the salvation. During the 13th centry, there was quite the debate going on in the church regarding 'unbaptized infants' who die. Will they be burned in hell, and suffer eternal pain? The argument focused around understanding of salvation in christ. Baptism IS salvation, not the physical act of getting wet.


  • ozziepost


    We're going off-topic a little, but you know me, always rambling on!!

    Baptism IS salvation

    Whoa, steady on!

    Umpteen texts speak otherwise, e.g. John 17:3

    And what about even John 3:16

    So it's the belief, not the physical act of baptism that saves.

  • stevenyc

    Ozzy, shall we start a new topic?

    Phisicle baptism is the sacrement of acseptence of Christ grace, and salvation.


  • ozziepost
  • TresHappy

    And if you're a baptized JW, don't you dare date an unbaptized publisher for fear of being marked by the higher-ups. Nothing worse than seeing the cutest guy in town and he's just studying...(speaking of first-hand experience).

  • MrsBee

    Check_Your_Premises - You didnt scare me away.. LOL.. Believe me I appreciated the insight!!!

    Before knowing everything I know now, when I was younger I was interested because I had so many friends who were raised witnesses.. But Door to Door and Holidays nixed it for me mainly..Oh shallow ol me ...


  • Check_Your_Premises
    You didnt scare me away.. LOL.. Believe me I appreciated the insight!!!

    Thanks for clearing my conscience.

    I can be kind of obnoxious sometimes. The things I posted to you, in hindsight, looked like I was badgering and upsetting a very pregnant (and dare I say hormonal?) woman. I was just sick when you stopped responding to that thread. All I could think was that because of my obnoxious behaviour, your poor boy would be knocking on doors the rest of his days.

    So then I realized that alot of the reason I post here is out of my own personal anger toward the wt. But when folks here need help, I have to get over myself and focus on the people here looking for answers. It was a real eye opening experience for me!

    So now you tell me I didn't scare you off at all. I guess that means I got the benefit of the experience without the cost.


    There are a lot of ubm's here MrsBee. We have been through alot, we have learned alot, and we are here to assist you in any way we can.

    Take care sis.


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