Farkel HATES bad gramma's

by candidlynuts 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH


    I totally agree. Some of the rants that the newbies do, I click in and out in 30 seconds. I can't read it.

    Here's the opening comment that triggered the salvo:

    Hey everybody hows it goin? I am brand new here and hoping someone could give me some kind advise

    I am engaged to and recently had a baby with a disfellowshipped JW. His family has completly refused to accept me or my newborn. They have kept some very loose contact with him seince he was D'Fd but have mostly been cold and distant.

    He rarely talks about the "religion" anymore but he has said as recently as 5mos ago that he would consider going back. This scares the crap out of me!!!!!!!!! I was never part of them and the little knowledge I have attained has been, to say the least, alarming.

    I guess the question I have is what are the rate of relapses? How can I prevent it? And should I force him to cut what loose ties he has left with his family for the sake of my own?

    Any advise on how to handle this would be much apprieciated!

    I don't see any laziness here. As a matter of fact, I see pretty good grammar.



  • LDH
  • bikerchic

    It occurs to me that in the thread LDH posted above if other people would have just let it be and chalk it up to Farkel being Farkel, and why oh why couldn't you see what I saw which was just Farkel trying to help a girl use proper speech and let it drop........but no some of you took it to the next level and turned the thread into your own tirade. Making mountains out of molehills I'm sure Farkel would have moved along and not tried to defend himself against the likes of some of you.

    Can't anyone just assume for once that a person spoke out of the goodness of his heart without it getting twisted.

    Shame.......now move along.

  • Odrade

    :::the likes of some of you.

    What exactly do you mean by this? You do realize that turn of phrase is usually meant to be insulting and derogative? Farkel's response was offensive and insulting. It is little wonder that the kinder-hearted posters on this board had a wish to defend her against an unwarranted attack. It doesn't matter one bit that it is "just Farkel being Farkel." She is new, how do you think she read his response to her? Or are you really so wrapped up in whatever power play you are on, that you have completely thrown away whatever common decency you used to have?

  • bikerchic
    Or are you really so wrapped up in whatever power play you are on, that you have completely thrown away whatever common decency you used to have?

    As I suspected of you! LMAO

    Thrown away my common decency...........buy a vowel cuz girly you haven't a clue.

  • Narkissos

    LOL. Is intelligence over-estimated or over-rated?

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