Quotes first president Church of Blank for his concise foundation dogma...Blondie and jgnat vice-presedents to fill in the blanks...writing and printing departments not needed...this leaves the rank and file to be Blankets...send money and be blanked...Blankhova will bless the work...
A new cult idea -- or is it?
by osmosis 22 Replies latest jw friends
I appoint myself Blank Overseer of the North American Blankist Principality.
You are so appointed...collect plenty money for Blankhova's blessing...standby, PO box number to follow...as MM said make that blank checks with signatures...
blank checks with signatures
I dunno, as a faithful Blankist I'm afraid it might be a sin for me to sign a blank check. Because then it wouldn't be Blank, you see.
_____ _____
lol I accidentally hit the send button and used up my last post. now it's the next day and I can't remember what my idea was
Just another ZEN spin-off. BORING
I dunno, as a faithful Blankist I'm afraid it might be a sin for me to sign a blank check. Because then it wouldn't be Blank, you see
Ah a true beliver, well done good and faithful Blanker...no need to sin...cash only, Blankhova wishes no one to be burdened...
One thing is for sure, reading the Blankist Bible won't take up too much of my time.
As a member of the governing body you must do as I tell you. I fire blanks.
bttt...(I'm sick)