(Trying again...)
To the Household of God that is
I am compelled this day to share with you the following truth, as it has been given to me and granted to me to share with you by the Truth, the Holy Spirit that is my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH… of Armies. As usual, I was given such truth a bit ago and failed in my duty to impart it forthwith (how easy it is to get caught up in the "mundane" things of this world!). I will delay no longer, however, and as servant to the Household of God that is , I share it with you now.
There are many professed "christians" who make it their vocation to preach and teach adherence to the Law Covenant. Orating "thou shalts" and "thou shalt nots," these believe (and I acknowledge, some with good intention) that it is only by adherence to the "Old Testament," and the Ten Commandments in particular, that an individual can please God. This, however, is a false. In fact, an attempt to live by and adhere to Law Covenant is a nullification of one's profession of acceptance of the NEW Covenant.
I understand that most don't understand this truth. but that is because they do not truly know and understand the details of and truth about both covenants, i.e., (1) the parties involved; (2) how they were mediated and why; (3) their respective requirements, consequences, and rewards; (4) their respective purposes; and (5) how each could be fulfilled. They understand the details and truth because many of those who deign to teach them don't know or understand either. And many of those who do use their knowledge and understanding to mislead, to gain followers of themselves, rather than followers of God and Christ.
Now, my words regarding these matter are not "law;" I only share with you what I have received, and I openly share with you from whom I received it, the Holy One of Israel, my Lord and Master, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies. Before you style me a blasphemer, however, I ask that you consider the following details with regard to both covenants, starting with the Old Covenant (Testament). For the sake of your continued interest ("many words" can become quite boring, I know), I will discuss the New Covenant (Testament) under a separate post. Now, then:
A. The Parties Involved
The Law Covenant was an agreement entered into between God and the Nation of Israel, made up of the 12 sons of "Israel" (the man formerly known as Jacob, the son of Isaac who was the son of Abraham), and their descendants. God entered into this agreement NOT because the Israelites were a particularly special people on their own; indeed, it was entry into the covenant that made "special," made them a chosen race to be "a nation of kings and priests." The "specialness," however, came after the people's agreement before God at ; not before.
The reason was chosen had nothing to do with the people at all, particularly those alive at the time of the covenant's ratification. It had, instead, everything to do with a PROMISE made more than 500 years before their existence, one that God, JAH of Armies, made to the man Abraham, after that man proved that he was God's friend. How so? By not withholding his "only-begotten" son, Isaac, from JAH, but showing that he would willingly sacrifice that son upon God's request. Now, why would a man do such a thing? Why would he be willing not only to give up the life of a son he loved with all of his heart, but do actually put that son to death himself? Love… and faith. Love… for God… more than for his son, indeed than for his own life. And faith that although he loved this son, God would not have him commit an unrighteous act; that God knew what He was doing. His love and faith in God, however, were very different from what most us understand: he loved God… and he had faith in God… because he KNEW God. And he knew God was not unrighteous nor that He would have him (Abraham) commit an unrighteous act.
Just how it was that Abraham "knew" God will be set out in further detail when we discuss the New Covenant. But for now, suffice it to say that Abraham knew God was not unrighteous and so rather than question God's purpose and motive, he trusted God… trusted that what God was asking him to do was in fact righteous… and so had no fear… and as a result demonstrated his love and faith, exercised them, by proceeding to do what God had asked of him. Without doubting. You know: much as a husband wants a wife to do, a wife wants a husband to do, parents want children to do, and children want parents to do. All of us, in these particular roles, want to be loved to the point of being trusted, even if the person we are wanting it from doesn't quite understand or "see" what we see.
But why would God ask a man to do such a thing? Here it is, the man's beloved son, and God was asking for a sacrifice of that son. How could He do that? He did it because God Himself was going to do such a thing, sacrifice HIS "only-begotten" son… on behalf of this man, Abraham. But He was going to do not only on behalf of the man, but also on behalf of his "seed" (i.e., all of his descendents), as well as many others. And why ask this man? The Most Holy One of needed to see if there was at lease ONE man in the earth who was willing to do for Him what He was willing to do for this man… and for all mankind: give His beloved Son. And there only needed to be one man willing to do so. Thus, we have Abraham. And so, because the man Abraham did not hesitate, did not withhold his only-begotten son, God PROMISED that him that by means of his (the man's) seed, all the nations of the earth would bless themselves. So what? So, because God cannot lie… and therefore HAD to make good on His promise… the nation of Israel, sons of Jacob, who was the son of Isaac, who was the son of Abraham… were chosen. There is no other reason, truly.