May you all have peace!
Dearest Skunkle-ly One - Ahh, caro mio, you don't understand: I actually came to be "inspired" (that is… in the spirit). Flesh and blood cannot enter into the kingdom of the heavens, dear one.
Dearest Wednesday - I miss "being" here, dear one! May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies, and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you!
Dearest Bebu - Peace to you and nice to "see" you, too! May I ask: do you mean the Torah? Or are you referring to the Talmud's commentary on the Torah? (Forgive me, I'm being facetious…)
Dearest Ken P - Peace to you! As you can see, I "saved" my response to you for last because the statement you made warrants more than a brief response. You, d ear one, are in error. Serious error. My Heavenly Father could never tell me why He does such things, because such are unrighteous acts and He doesn't commit unrighteous acts. He cannot. Yes, I am aware of the claims of "retribution" that was heralded by certain "reverends," "pastors," and such in the aftermath of Katrina. What evil! And I am familiar with the tales that have been told for millenniums that would lead one to believe that the Most Holy One of Israel is indeed capable of unrighteous acts.
But I will tell you a sacred secret, dear one, one that most, and in particular those who profess to be "christian," do not know: there is a REASON why my Lord said, "I have come to bear witness… to the TRUTH," and then lived his life as he did. He came to set the record STRAIGHT! What "record"? That of the secretaries, the scribes, whose "false stylus… worked in sheer falsehood." Why do you think it is that my Lord is recorded to have said, "Woe to you, SCRIBES"? Because… they did not tell the TRUTH, particularly about the Most Holy One of Israel. My Lord, however, bore witness to that truth... in word... and in deed! What you and oh, so many, fail to SEE, to grasp, to understand… is that if you want to know God… if you want to hear God… if you want to SEE God… then you must know, hear and see… Christ. There is no other "way"!
So, looking at that One, I ask you: where, if anywhere in his life, can you see a commission of such an unrighteous act? Indeed, c an you see any unrighteous act committed? Ever? I ask you: t o whom did he return evil for evil? Tell me, who did he revile? Who did he bring retribution upon? Did he not say that all the things HE did, he learned from the Father? Did he not say that just as he saw the FATHER doing… HE did? If he is the "image" of the living God, the EXACT representation of His very being, how he can do one thing and the Father another? You are in error, dear Ken P., you and all those who think like you, because although you and they think you/they KNOW the Most Holy One of Israel and what He does and does not do, you do not. And you do not know him… because you do not know Christ.
The Most Holy One of Israel, dear one, does not "giveth and taketh away," as many would have Him do. That statement was implied by the man Job who, when being persecuted, erroneously believed he was being tried by God. While he did not sin against God with his mouth or curse God in anyway, he did erroneously attribute to GOD… the unrighteous acts of another. The Adversary. And y ou, too, dear one, are doing the very same thing. Only may be doing it... while cursing God... if not with your mouth... in your heart. Same thing, however, for God does not look at the outside of a man, but what is on the inside. It is the heart that He examines.
I know, I know… the next question is, well, if God is LOVE, why would He allow the Adversary to do such things? If He is LOVE, why doesn't He step in and do something? There are two (2) answers, and you know one of them: we (our forefathers) demanded that He let us do our own thing. Even to our own detriment. But even if that had not occurred, there is yet another reason that you (and, sadly, most of mankind) just don't get: you have been accused… and challenged. You. Me. All of us. What accusation? That "skin in behalf of skin and ALL a man has (including his potential to live forever!)… he WILL give… on behalf of his soul (flesh)." Yep. Satan has called you, me, all of mankind… weak… ignoble… cowards... ready to give our very souls... turn our backs on anyone, including God, if our flesh was jeopardized… if our happiness was put as risk. AND… he made the challenge, NOT to God… but to YOU… me… and all of mankind: "Remove from around him the hedge and see if he will not curse you to your very face." He said that if God removed His protection, you, me... all of us... would turn our backs on Him, so quick, it would make God's own head spin!
He accused you, Ken P., and me, and all of humankind, of being so weak, so self-absorbed, so… shallow… that given any calamity we would sell our possessions, our own children… our very souls… in order to keep living. He further stated that we… you, me… and all humankind… would, in the face of calamity, not only turn our backs on God, but that we would go further and actually curse Him to His very face!
I ask you… how're we doing? How do YOU think it's going? Who do YOU think was right: the "accuser of our brothers"? Or God, who said, starting with Job, "Go ahead, do your thing. Hit them with your best shot, and let's see?" I don’t know about you, Ken P., but have no intention of allowing anyone to answer that challenge on my behalf but ME. I do not want God to step in and protect me but to allow me to stand up on my own and say to Satan, "Hit me with your best shot!!"
True, my family was not subjected to Katrina. Nor are we suffering the tribulation brought on by the world's current wars. But we have had our share of "tribulation," including loss, death and near death. And s ome "tribulations" on a repeated basis. As it is with all of mankind. Yet, what's our response? To the Adversary we say: "Is this the best you can do? If so, then your accusation is false. For neither death nor life, nor angels nor governments, not things now here nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other creation, will be able to separate us from God's love… that is in JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, our Lord."
Hear, dear Ken P., and get the sense of it. My Lord came to bear witness... to the TRUTH. See him... and you will see God. May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies, and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you, if you so wish it.
A slave of Christ,