You are a better parent than I kids still go the meetings. How awful I feel dragging them to be bored out of their minds for 1-2 hrs. Tell your sister that if she is going to make unkind, judgemental remarks to you then she is not welcome in your home....that or fu*k off, whatever feels right!
Thee absolute Vicious, Hateful, Malicious comment......
by whyamihere 52 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you everyone.......(((((hugs))))))
I know my Sister is speaking from what she is taught. This I know. However, as I was "in" I may have had more of a compassionate heart. I would never ever say that to any Mother.
As she is raising her child to become a perfect JW (who is my sons age) she isn't doing a great job. I never say anything to her on how she raises her child. It isn't my child and it isn't my business. Although I stepped in a few times. As my nephew was sick(ear infection) she was beating him because he was crying. I grabbed her hand and tossed her to the side and picked up that baby and comforted him. That is the only time I stepped in.
I know what she is thinking. I haven't yelled or screamed or acted in haste. I will not go to her level.
I know my Sister is speaking from what she is taught. This I know. However, as I was "in" I may have had more of a compassionate heart. I would never ever say that to any Mother.
While I agree, we cant entirely pass this off as JW lunacy though. I would never even in my most hard core JW days have said that or something similar to anyone. Maybe she is frustrated about something in her life and is acting out towards you for some reason. Can you talk to her about it, maybe you could offer help.
Brooke.....she got to you. She broke your spirit.....Don't give her that authority ever again! What the hell was she doing, rummaging through YOUR home, in the first place? She is not even married yet, let alone a mother, and SHE'S telling YOU what kind of mother you are???
"Here's the door, what the hell's your hurry", is what I would have said! Family who are still in the religion can be so condescending! You know you are the best mother you can be to your children!! At least your children are living, and having fun, not being dragged to 5 meetings a week, where they MUST be well behaved or else!!!
oops, sorry Brooke, I didn't realize she is a mother?!
What she said was calculated to hurt you as if it weren't enough that she went nosing about your house to check on you. Like all mothers you no doubt love your children and seek what is best for them. It is more or less as you said it the really bad mother is the WTS because it has betrayed her children to promote its own interests.
I remember when all the shit hit the fan when I finally decided that my life as a JW and married to who I was married to then was not working for me...........I was staying at my sister's house...........basically, I was having an emotional breakdown and was totally overwhelmed...........well, one afternoon, me and the sis got into it hot and heavy..........we just laid it out, plain and straight between us and we both agreed that at that moment, we really didn't like each other at all. Don't get me wrong, we do love one another, but, we don't like each other at all. That was the first time I was able to step back and allow myself to feel dislike for her personality...........all those years I had told myself that I was the one who had problems..........these feelings and opinions I had about her showed how bad a person I was..........NOT!!! The actual moment of my true freedom was when I was able to admit I didn't like her bossy, opinionated personality. LOL...........and, of course, she didn't like my artsy-fartsy, happy go lucky and on my way out of the "truth" personality...............just thought I'd share that with you, Brooke.........
Re-read the description you gave about your children. (Happy, funny, etc...)
Does that sound like the description of children who have a lousy Mother?
Have you ever noticed that when someone attacks you, they will hit you where they know it will hurt you the most?
For someone who is so worried about the demonism of Halloween, your sister should look for the source of demonism within her that would have her say such a horrible thing to her own sister.
That must be more of that exclusive Jehovah's Witness "love" we hear so much about. She's to be pitied.
Keep being a wonderful Mother and don't let this get you down. When someone can't manipulate you with guilt, they often times will try to cut you off at the knees in some other way. Recognize it for what it is, and let it roll off. You don't need her validation about your parenting abilities. You can see it in the way your children behave!
Brooke, you are a wonderful mother, you KNOW that. Even more so because your kids wont grow up with the guilt and warped view of life that the JW's teach. Bringing ones kids up and making judgements on teh parenting you do is the below the belt card they use with so many people. I was told I didn't love my child because I wouldn't teach him about Jehovah, and I wanted him to die at Armageddon. It sucks bad, it's mean and malicious. Forgive them, they know not what they do. All that matters is that you can look yourself and your children in teh face and know better. And know that when they become adults they will thank you for saving them from that perverse life.
Turn their argument on its head.
What does "devil" mean? If you slander people, you are a "devil" because that's what the Devil does, right?
So, don't talk to me about demons, when you imitate them by slandering my parenting skills.