Thee absolute Vicious, Hateful, Malicious comment......

by whyamihere 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce
    This is soooo true. I know I've mentioned this many times before, but it's so typical of JWs to use that kind of BS emotional blackmail on you when you start living a normal life again.

    G'day Brooke,

    So this is why you felt like death yesterday. I'd print scully's post out and hand the bitch or any other jw lunatics that slag off at your motherhood a gilt edged copy.

    Your sister is disgusting filth Brooke. If I were you I wouldn't let her near me or my kids ever again. It's all too easy to break someones neck (so i've heard). I know the same things would have been said about Susan and I but not to our faces.


    Scully's Classic:

    ***It's been almost 10 years since I got an earful of JW Love™, but I remember it like it was yesterday. My then best friend, a JW, when I'd confided in her that I felt like I needed a "vacation" from The Truth™, told me point blank: "If you are going to turn your back on The Truth™, you may as well take your three beautiful children out in the back yard and blow their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon™ and will have a Resurrection™ in the Paradise™." This was in a crowded restaurant, and she was practically screaming it at me while other people in the restaurant were watching with horrified looks on their faces. I got up from the table, and walked out on her. I never spoke to her again.***

  • betterdaze

    Brooke, A low blow in deed from your "fleshly" sister. Surely she means well to "adjust" you to the right "heart condtion." My own heart is with you and your children. Scripturally, you may wish to "adjust" her "mental regulating" with Jesus' own admonition, "You who are without sin, cast the first stone." Susan

  • sass_my_frass

    You should have booted her loveless butt out the door, never mind the two hours of name calling!

    Sometimes I miss my siblings terribly, but knowing that they could put me through that sort of thing at any point, just because they're righteous and god's chosen ones, makes me so glad that I have a peaceful life without them.

    Sorry it's upset you so. Remember that the only criteria for a good JW parent is Do Not Forsake Their Spirituality. Never mind how much fun they have, how smart they are, how good they are to other people; just dress them up in little suits and get them out on the preach. Your sister has absolutely no clue with regards to parenting, so don't buy it. As long as you're protecting your children and letting them grow into themselves, you're a top mother!

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