Then again, who outside fortress Australia has heard of Flacco and the Sandman?:
Unclebruce..can we start over?
by mentalist 80 Replies latest jw friends
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Is it wrong to covet thine neighbour's wife's ass ?
(What does "covet" mean anyway?)
Covet means desire strongly .. as in:
Aunty Jack coverts to "jump through the screen and rip yer bloody arms orf!"
Aunty Jack was only banned in Wollongong (true).
Shame...I was thinking that "covet" was another name for Vaseline.
You're in charge ... I'm off to find a bridesmaid dress for Doc Jekyll
Make sure you get one that my arse doesn't look fat in !
Found one!
People often covet when their ass is too small:
moggy lover
My neighbour has a very beautiful ass, if you must know.
Her arse is'nt bad either.
Ever rubbed covet into it Moggy?
The Aussies have come up with one of the best Kid's programmes. Bananas in Pyjamas was "big big big" in my house at one stage.
My youngest, when 3 yrs old made me even go and see the buggers live.
What a gig that was.
And Adelaide gave the world: Humphrey B Bear