Did you realise that Joe Ratherflawed spoke in a "fatherly tone"? You didn't? Well, that's what the July 15 issue of The Watchtower says.
In a section obviously intended to boost the reputation of JFR in the minds of modern-day Witnesses, the skilful use of adjectives conjures up a picture of kind benevolence.
In just 4 paragraphs, expressions used are "largest convention", "listened intently", "fatherly tone", "children rose as one body", "burst of applause", "prolonged applause", "moving talk", "long line", "gift copy", "moved the audience to tears", "memorable assembly".
Now try reading these four paragraphs without the adjectives. They weren't essential to the story but they sure help to tug at the heartstrings.
It reminds me of the adulation of despots like Mao Tse Tung and Stalin who were written about during their regimes in similar language to this article.
Note this quote in this section from an "eyewitness": "Only a heart of stone would not be moved at the spectacle of youth [showing] complete trust and faith in their God, Jehovah". Yet this section was about Rutherford giving a talk! So the writers intend for their readers to esteem JFR who basks in the glory of Jehovah!
"A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies"