Beware of those adjectives!

by ozziepost 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fredhall


    I mean, bite this cat tail.

  • ozziepost


    You're more like a little terrier pup that goes yapping around your feet, never seeming to do anything or contribute anything. Never gets anywhere. See what I mean? You can't reason on the points originally made. Is it because you've been indoctrinated with the 'thought' "the organisation is right because it is right". BTW see how often that reasoning comes through in the publications.


    "A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies"
    ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON, The Grandmother

  • Grunt

    As has been pointed out so many times, any group that is as ashamed of their history as the Tower is should just leave it alone instead of trying to embellish or color it. It always amazes me how easily Witnesses brush off their past and don't consider any writings more than a few years old as relevant to them, "Oh, well, that was before we came to a more accurate understanding. You know the apostles thought Jesus was going to defeat the Romans also." Talking to Witnesses involves dealing with so many fallacies that it becomes like an English class. Anyway, Rutherford sounds like he was a candidate for High Prince of Shittem to me. I would hate to have had him for a father. I don't know how his son turned out, but he deserves a lot of slack considering his environment. How so many people got tricked by such a con artist such as Rutherford was, is beyond me. Of course having been a member of the cult, I guess I have little room to talk. Strange that you join due to family bonds and by joining put that same relationship at risk. At least I never shunned anyone, I just couldn't do it. I'll even speak to Fred. Hi Fred. Ozzie, I enjoy your posts.

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