YOU SAID-------------------------------
First off, I've never felt "angry" about the whole thing. What I expressed was that I felt "uneasy". I don't know why you think that I'm upset with you or any of the hard-working tradespeople. I'm upset with the propoganda machine, otherwise known as the WBTS. For their own purposes they gave it a spin that was not real.
The contractors that I first heard this from were friends. There was an economic downturn in the area at that time. A sizeable part of their income was from "quickbuilds". It was what kept them afloat. Do I blame them for taking money for their hard work? No. Do I blame the "spin doctors" of the WTS for presenting a false picture? Yes. It's just another example of them twisting the facts for their own greedy, manipulative purposes.
You didn't address my other point. The professionals, who were there representing their trade, but never received pay. At one quick-build, one of them was quite dumbfounded to find out that some were getting money.
First off, I don't believe you. "a sizeable part of their income"??? You're getting some bad information.
If some professionals were selling their time to the QB, then they weren't volunteers were they?
Look, I'm with you that the WT has their own "greedy manipulative purposes", but can't see why you are taking such a position on this issue.
I have been an elder in the local congregation at three different KH-QB's and what you are saying was not true in those cases.
How can you be sure your information is correct?