by You Know 536 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    Hilary,don`t confuse this moron with a Hells Angel,he`s full of shit.

    Actually he is not a moron, he is a highly intelligent and gifted person, but this of course does not stop him being filled with what you say that he is filled with.

    He must be the only ex bike-boy to have a technicolor picture of Isaiah tatooed on his back though. As the song might ring:

    - Jesus was a hero, he was full of grace
    And Robert wheeled his bike through all his glory -

    Just teasing YK - HS

  • seven006


    It's good to see you have finally come out of your coma. Your absence for the last few days has been noted by many. Your little game of hide and seek is getting easier to predict. Now that you have blessed us with your presence again I will do as I promised and repost my questions to you about silent lambs. Until you answer each and every question I asked you here I will repost them on each and every thread you slither onto. I do this so each and every person whom you think you are impressing will see the kind of questions you are afraid to answer. Your game of run and hide does more to expose the real you than any thought that comes out of your neurotic delusional mind.

    If you would like to put a stop to this little psychological game that I play with you I will make you a deal. You lay off of Bill and Silent Lambs and I'll lay off of you. The Silent Lambs and the issue it exposes is very personal to me and it has destroyed the life of someone I loved very much. I am not about to let this go until you agree to lay off.

    One again:

    Robert, (You Know)
    I always find it curious that almost every time there is a post from Silent Lamb's you appear with a comment about not being a part of the flock you try so hard to defend in other threads. What makes you do that? Do you take these accusations about child molestation personally? Are you trying to tell us, or even more important yourself something? Why does this topic upset you so much? I have heard you spent many years as a fornicator, drug addict, drunk, and a motorcycle gang member, did you do something that you feel you need to confess? No one has accused you of any thing so why do you get so jumpy at this one particular subject? Who are you trying to protect, or better what are you trying to hide?

    I spent a little time as a cop and one thing I learned in that time is the one who repeatedly tries to defend and then disassociates themselves with the accuser is usually a likely perpetrator. I'm not accusing you of anything but your actions put together a strange and somewhat clear pattern. Why do you continually go after Bill? Why do you call us all fornicators? You do not know us all nor do you know the ones whom Bill is directing his letter to? Why do you bring up biblical terms for sexual actions in a thread that speaks of sexual perversion? Why does this subject make you so defensive?

    Just thought I would ask. Careful how you respond or even better don't respond. It's not all in what you say or don't say but in how you say it or don't say it. We're all waiting.

    Take care and have a nice day.


  • 607BCisAbigLIE


    You are a big waste of time for everyone. I wonder how can people continue to even listen to you. Maybe they are so tolerant about you, that they would want to make you come back into reality, my friend, cause you're going well deep into wickedness, to a point of no return maybe. But even with such kindess from all the posters, including me, you still continue to spill your poison onto us. Sorry for that post man but you have to awake yourself back into reality. That was my last post concerning you, YouKnow, and I will not even read your response to this one. If you ever notice it, cause you seem to avoid intelligent calls for sanity here.


    Thanks for the reply Hilary.This guy is way out there.If there is some sense to him I haven`t found it yet...OUTLAW

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    seven 006.
    Ive been away and thought for an hour before writing this.
    I really think youve crossed the line man.
    What you imply is gross.A disgusting implication.
    "Consciousness of guilt" hypothesis is not evidence enough to imply such a thing.
    How would you feel if I implied that about you?
    Your first response would be to consider legal action.


    Hey Refiners Fire,don`t get too upset about this.Let 006(Dave)and You Know work this out between themselves.Its for the best...OUTLAW

  • seven006

    Refiners Fire,

    I can appreciate your feelings and understand your thoughts. I don't know how much of Roberts posts you have read but unless you have kept up with his constant egotistical and psychotic posts to the majority of posters on this board you might not have a full understanding of where I am coming from. If you don't, then keep reading Roberts posts and you will see why I post to him like I do.

    As far as anything legal goes I am quite aware of what is or is not legal in my posts. If you choose to post questions to me that coincide with those I have posted to Robert, feel free and I will answer each and every one of them. I have nothing to hide so I do not fear any questions. Accuse away, I will be happy to discuss the matter with you.

    As far as crossing the line, you bet your butt I have. Robert says what ever he pleases and accuses and condemns at will. I stay out of his scripture volley ball game posts and pretty much ignore him. When he attacks the Silent Lambs issue I only cross the line that he has put in front of me. He is a coward and an arrogant self serving hypocrite. He is the king of dishing it out but not being able to take it. He has positioned himself as a god, accountable to no one and accuser of all. He quickly turns his back on his own people when it serves his purpose as well as turning his back on all of humanity.

    I am sorry my posts have upset you. The experience I had with a woman that is an exJW and has had to suffer the deep psychological hell that the policies of the JW governing body forced upon her at the young age of 14 is unforgivable. The pain and suffering I watched her endure is forever ingrained in my mind. I cannot even tell her story, just her knowing that someone else knows sends her to the floor in convolutions brought on by severe panic attacks. She will forever blame the constant molestation and rape by her elder father on herself because that is exactly what the loving brothers in her congregation made her believe. They even had the audacity to cast blame on her mother as well.

    They destroyed a beautiful child and forever ended the possibility of her becoming the woman she should have been. They are more liable for the psychological transfer of guilt from her father to her and have done more damage than the man who stole her innocents. The woman she should have grown up to be I will always love, the woman they created by their self serving policy to deceive I will forever avenge. There is no forgiveness for this in my book. They deserve to pay for such pompous male superiority and human manipulation and I will be the happiest person on the planet when they do.

    Robert tries to protect the guilty until it blemishes his own psychotic purity and when he does that I let him know how I feel. I am an extremely understanding and forgiving person and have tied to express that quality many times on this board. But, when Robert crosses "my" line, I step right over it and challenge him toe to toe. If you see that as crossing the line I cannot disagree with you. One thing to keep in mind, I did not draw the line, I only crossed it to expose a coward and fake.

    This is personal. It is out of character for me and I will be the first to admit that. Robert can only fight with his arrogance and scripture manipulation. I fight back with intelligence and reality as psychological weapons and those are things a psychotic self righteous person has no answer for.

    Thank you for your post. I completely understand where you are coming from and apologize if I upset you. I hope you might try to understand a little bit about where I am coming from.

    Take care,


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well if the OUTLAW says its cool, I guess it is.
    I havent followed U knows posts sufficiently, perhaps, to know what the full deal is.

  • seven006

    Refiners fire,

    I can understand your thinking and have absolutely no ill will toward you for expressing your thoughts. I admire that. I appreciate your understanding and the way you have express yourself.

    Thank you.

    Take care,

  • ladonna


    I don't know about you, but when I was a JW I was taught that gambling and betting were definite no, no's.

    So why did you start this thread with a "BET"?????

    Excellent posts, Joel, Dave and Cello.


    Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too...Voltaire

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