Just read 'Jehovah Unmasked'. Here's what i think of it!

by lowden 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lowden

    When i first joined the forum a short while ago the aforesaid book was recommended to me after i ranted about the disgusting, genocidal machinations of Jehovah. Nathaniel Merritt, although i don't concur with ALL he says, is a very brave and bright guy. His abhorence of the nightmarish evil perpetrated by this god mirrored the thoughts that i've been having for a few years now. In blind stupidity i served this MONSTER that commanded his people to slay and destroy utterly what he designated, young, old, maidens and babies....just because they believed something different. OK maybe they practiced child sacrifice, which is abhorrent in itself. But the solution he comes up with is.....exactly the same thing!!

    From page 87 i quote Merritt-

    ''Onward Jewish soldiers, get your sword and thrust it through the little five year olds belly- yeah, the cute little boy with the angelic face-that's the one, right over there, crying over his dying bleeding mother. Slice up his little brother too...and just let him bleed to death. Keep hacking the little boys until your arms are so tired you do not think you can kill another one. At that point the LORD Jehovah will give you the power to rise anew and kill even more little boys. Hallelujah!! Debase yourselves before the deity who gave such orders and tell mankind what a loving and merciful deity he is''. That may seem graphic or extreme, but that is how it would have happened...and much,much worse.

    He continues-

    ''If you as human beings do not find the behaviour of your Jehovah evil beyond description and malevolent beyond comprehension, you are truly heartless and you deserve whatever nightmare your Jehovah has waiting for you in the afterlife''

    Time and time and time again this god brings such evil to bear on humans that it simply beggars belief that i never registered it for all those years. I simply made excuses that it was a righteous war or that god new best. I spoke to a Baptist minister about it last week and he gave the reasoning that god had judged these nations as a 'whole' and therefore the children came under the same penalty. I made my excuses and walked away.

    Listen i understand about justice and how punishment does at times have to be administered to greater or lesser degrees, from corporal to capital. But not like this...NOT LIKE THIS!

    Merritt identifies Jehovah as none other than Satan in a different guise and is very convincing in such an argument...backed by scriptures. I'm not sure. His Gnostic faith 'does it' for him, but i have many questions before i settle for another system of belief.

    This is a book worth the read if only to get another persons opinion on faith and life, it only took me a couple of days to get through.

    It also made me realise that i used to serve an 'organisation', not a god. I served THEIR mindset, wishes and twisted opinion.

    If i'd have lived in ancient Israel i'd have served that god out of sheer terror and i can't believe in a milion years that wasn't the way they served him. Like having a father that would explode and reach for the belt buckle as soon as you stepped out of line, rushing at you as you cower behind the sofa in quaking fear.

    The god Jesus preached was undoubtedly completely different!

    Loads more in the book, but you may fall asleep if i carry on.



  • Crumpet

    Interesting post and excerpt Lowden. It was the only conclusion I managed to come to myself - that Jehovah really was no better than any other man made God of War and that his personality (the meglomaniac Jealous one ) as described throughout the Old Testament is not the loving Father the WBTS would have us believe. I believe now they just want us to feel nurtured and special so we'll be more happy to part with our cash, lives and family members.

    The one thing I would comment on is that if an author presents his material so extremely it tends to distance people who like to consider themselves objective. I don't need anything quite so extreme or graphic to persuade me - I just needed a little hole drilling in my mind so that my own real thoughts could break through the years of brain washing where a day didn't pass without watchtower literature dominating it from the ages of -8months to 16 years old.

  • lowden

    Hey Crumpet

    Yeah i know what you mean about the graphic stuff, but for me itwas only when i stripped away the sugar coating and thought about it in those terms that it really hit me. It was like, 'hey stop...think about what acually happened here'. For me it was only when i engaged with the true horror of the stories that it hit home. Top username by the way.



  • Crumpet

    Well mayeb you're right that sometimes a shocking image is what can really wake people up and see what they are really giving merit and even worship to.

    (crumpet - a lancashire lass)

  • SwordOfJah

    The author of the book and your comments here are very one sided. Blaspheming Jehovah God without analyzing things from his perspective.

    Here are a couple of articles that I enjoyed reading and analyze the subject in hand:

    God and the Canaanites

    The destruction of the Canaanites in the Old Testament fills followers of Christ today with 'embarrassed horror' according to Don Carson. For many people, this is one of the most serious moral problems with the Bible and God. How can we respond?

    This article is based on the story of the conquest of Jericho, which is found in Joshua chapter 6. Please read this account from the Bible before you go any further - the rest of this article will make much more sense if you have read the passage.

    The Old Testament tells the story of how God told the Israelites to conquer the Promised Land of Canaan, beginning with the city of Jericho. In doing so, they were to destroy all the existing occupants of the land. For many people today, Joshua chapter 6 - and others like it - represent all that is bad about the Bible: God sends the Israelites on a rampage of slaughter and destruction, during which they murder innocent women and children.

    God tells them that Jericho is to be completely destroyed. They are not to leave anything. They are not to keep anything:

    The city and and everything in it must be completely destroyed as an offering to the Lord. Only Rahab the prostitute and the others in her house will be spared, for she protected our spies.(Verse 17)

    They completely destroyed everything in it - men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep, donkeys - everything. (Verse 21)

    Someone said recently:

    Do you really think it was positive for God to destroy an entire city of people, and not even spare the innocent children?

    Someone else said:

    The Bible has more evil than all the other books written in history.

    This is how many many people think. So there is a problem here. Professor Don Carson says that the annihilation of the Canaanites fills followers of Christ today with an 'embarrassed horror.'

    There are three difficulties in the way of giving a response that is both faithful to the Bible and makes sense to people today:

    1. People today start with very different assumptions from the assumptions of the Bible. An answer that is faithful to what the Bible says will only make sense when we understand what the Bible's assumptions are, and
    2. There can be a kind of arrogance that prevents the response from being heard. People today think they know what the Bible is all about, but often they do not really know. Because they think they know, they are too impatient to listen to the answer.
    3. This is a complicated question, and it needs a detailed response. But we live in a culture that is impatient with complexity, and wants quick solutions. However, this question defies a 'sound bite' answer.

    So if you are looking for a 'sound-bite' answer, you have come to the wrong place. However, here are five points by way of a response to this problem:

    1. The outcome was important

    It is easy for us to assume that what was going on here was just a spot of 'ethnic cleansing' by Joshua and the Israelite army. But this is not the case: There was never a time when God was only interested in the Jews. His purpose was always to save for his glory people from every tribe and nation. How was this purpose going to be accomplished? Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah. All through the history of the Jews, God was at work paving the way for the coming of Messiah.

    Equally, all through history, God's adversary, Satan, was seeking to spoil God's worldwide plan - from Pharaoh having the Jewish boy babies killed in Egypt (Exodus chapter 1 verses 15-17), through to Haman trying to have all the Jews killed in the days of Xerxes (Esther chapter 3 verses 5-6), through to king Herod killing the boys under two years old in Bethlehem (Matthew chapter 2 verses 16-18).

    Satan is always trying to defeat God's purposes, and destroy God's people. Where he cannot destroy them, he will try to drive a wedge between them and God, either in the area of their religious beliefs or their moral practices. That is why the Old Testament prophets spent so much time denouncing idolatry and immorality.

    This was a crucial moment as God's chosen people went into God's Promised Land. If they were compromised by the idol-worship of the surrounding nations, there was a real danger that God's plan would be spoiled. What was at stake here was not just local. It was of worldwide and eternal importance. Later history would show that the Israelites did not destroy these nations, and did succumb to their idolatry, and God's plan almost was spoiled.

    Of course, the importance of the outcome does not excuse something if it is morally wrong, but this may help us to see why God told the Israelites to take such drastic action. The outcome was important.
    Does the killing of the Canaanites justify killing people of different races or religions in the name of God today?

    2. The people were not just individuals

    In our western culture today, we have a very individualistic sense of a person's identity. Most other cultures, in the rest of the world, have understood that an individual is never just an individual. He (or she) is a member of his (or her) family. The family is part of a clan; the clan is part of a tribe, and the tribe is part of a nation. What the individual does affects the whole nation; what the nation does has consequences for the individual.

    Most people in the world understand this much better than we do. But even we are beginning to understand that people's actions have consequences for future generations. Think for example of the legacy of environmental pollution that we are leaving for our children to grapple with. Children do not escape the results of what their parents do. Being innocent does not mean being insulated.

    Someone read this, and responded:

    You seem to be implying that every individual should be punished for what the community / family has done.

    However, our purpose here is not to say that children should be punished for the actions of their parents. Of course they should not. This was recognized even in the law code given through Moses:

    Parents must not be put to death for the sins of their children, nor the children for the sins of their parents. Those worthy of death must be executed for their own crimes. (Deuteronomy chapter 24 verse 16)

    Rather the point was that children sometimes suffer as a result of what their parents do. Here is an analogy: on September 11th, as those 'planes hurtled towards the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, there were probably some babies and children on board. Those children had not done anything wrong that caused them to be there. But if the American Government had been able to respond fast enough and decisively enough, I am fairly sure they would have shot the planes down before they could be flown into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center.

    Does this mean that the American Government condones the killing of babies and children? Surely not. The point is that the threat would have been large enough and serious enough for them to take drastic action, and because of this drastic action, innocent children would have died.

    I believe that this is what was going on when the Israelites destroyed the Canaanites. One of the reasons we find it difficult to see it this way is that we do not take seriously enough the evil these nations were doing, or the threat they posed to God's good purposes for the whole world.

    We cannot escape the uncomfortable implications: the children killed were not just individuals. They were parts of a wider whole.

    3. The nations were not innocent

    The religion of these people was a fertility cult. They turned their women into temple prostitutes, and they sacrificed their children to their pagan gods. In other words, they put their material prosperity before the well being of their wives and children.

    The Bible makes it clear that what happened was not just God's way of giving the Israelites the Promised Land. It was also God's deliberate judgment on the evil of the Canaanites - and this judgment was morally just and right.

    Please read Deuteronomy chapter 18, verses 9-12. This is part of Moses' 'Last Words' to the Israelites before he hands over the leadership to Joshua, and then dies. Notice particularly what Moses says in verse 9 and the beginning of verse 10:

    When you arrive in the land the Lord your God is giving you, be very careful not to imitate the detestable customs of the nations living there. For example, never sacrifice your son or daughter as a burnt offering...

    The Canaanites sacrificed their own children. Perhaps we can see what happened to them when the Israelites invaded as a kind of poetic justice.

    The idea of God's judgment, God's anger against evildoers, sounds quaint and archaic to us today, but we need to understand that it is a central part of the Bible's message. Not only that, but - if the Bible is true - it is the reality of the world that we live in. Deep down, don't we all want to see justice done? In the town where I live, a young girl was recently abducted, brutally raped, and then murdered. I do not know how that affects other people, but speaking for myself I know that I want to see the person who did this brought to justice. And in the same way, God's judgment on the Canaanites was an important expression of his justice.

    4. God was not impatient

    God's promise that the Israelites would have the land of Canaan was first made to Abraham, way back in Genesis. In Genesis chapter 15, God renews his promise to Abraham. He has just told Abraham that his descendants will be enslaved by another nation for four hundred years. Then in verse 16 God says this:

    After four generations your descendants will return here to this land, when the sin of the Amorites has run its course.

    The point is that the Israelites' possession of the Promised Land had to wait. It had to wait more than four hundred years, because that was how much time God gave the Canaanites and Amorites to turn back from their evil ways. God was not impatient. But instead of turning back, what they did just went from bad to worse. So in the end God stepped in in judgment, and in justice. The same action by which he gave the Israelites the Promised Land was also the action by which he judged the people of Canaan - but not until the Canaanites had had plenty of time to change their ways.

    Someone who read this asked:

    What Biblical evidence do you have that God even spoke to the Canaanites about reforming?

    As far as I know, there is nothing in the Bible to suggest that God gave the Canaanites any specific warnings. However, the Canaanites were sacrificing their children, and I think their consciences told them that this was not the right thing to do - in just the same way that we today do not need a specific warning from God to tell us that - for example -murder, rape, or paedophilia are wrong.

    The important point is that the Canaanites had plenty of time to change their ways, but chose not to. There is a warning here, for those of us who reject God's call. In the New Testament, Peter echoes this same point:

    The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise to return, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent. But the day of the Lord will come...(2 Peter chapter 3 verses 9-10)


    5. Escape was not impossible

    God tells the Israelites to destroy everything and everyone. Well, not quite everyone. Look at chapter 6 verses 22-25. The prostitute Rahab and her family are saved.

    If nothing else, the story of Rahab shows that even at this stage it would have been possible for the people of Canaan to escape from God's judgment, and one family did escape. But the others would not. Once again, the adults are at least partly responsible for what happens to their own children.


    • the outcome was important
    • the people were not just individuals
    • the nations were not innocent
    • God was not impatient, and
    • escape was not impossible

    There is much more that needs to be said. This is nothing like a complete answer to the problem of the destruction of the Canaanites, but it may give us some pointers towards an answer.


  • gumby
  • escape was not impossible
  • And how exactly was any woman with many kids supposed to contact whoever it was from the Israelites that was in charge of converting a gentile to become a jew so as to be spared of gods wrath?

    Did she tell her unbelieving pagan hubby she was going on a trip with the kids and would be back in a year or so after she travelled half way across the planet to find the cheif in staff of the Isralites to tell him she and the kids has decided to now worship YHWH along with his people?


  • IP_SEC

    Thank you SoJ, that ridiculous article makes me hate Jehovah even more. Good to see you back around man.

  • mkr32208
    Thank you SoJ, that ridiculous article makes me hate Jehovah even more.

    Absolutely! That god is such a piece of shit... The fact that you would seriously try to explain his actions blows my mind!


    and he's made up!

  • lowden

    Sword of Jah

    You can make your post as long and as biblically academic as you like but there is never...NEVER any excuse for killing innocent children that don't even know what life is about much less make a decision about who they worship. If you READ your bible you will see that there were plenty of nations that were never give either warning or chance (Deut 7:1-4). In these 7 nations that were TOTALLY wiped out there were up to 3 MILLION people. THAT IS GENOCIDE!!!

    Wake up SOJ!



  • Scully

    Be careful about posting excerpts from Nate's book. He's a bit touchy about copyright and in the past has threatened to sue people who have done it and forum owners who permitted it. That's why he isn't here anymore.

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