Not really sure how to take your comment. I think i see your reasoning but i'm not sure about your analogy regarding the atomic bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The dropping of those bombs on innocent Japanese civilians, in my and many others opinions was a war crime against humanity. One 'A' bomb is bad enough...but not TWO, they were merely guinea pigs. Not a dig against the U.S. because Britain is 'covered' in the blood of innocent people too. The British thousand bomber raid on Dresden perpetrated by the infamous 'Bomber Harris' was a war crime against humanity. That is were the link with Jehovah lies if you want to draw one, a war criminal that has never been brought into judgement...because he's (apparently) untouchable. Just because the Caananites didn't care about their kids (and i doubt that anyway) doesn't excuse god's orders. As for 'damage limitation' which i also think you're alluding to...well Hitler could have used that excuse and maybe even did!