I had a Basset Hound named "Mr. Beaux Jangles" and his successor, "Plumply." Plumply was named after a jdubyas little red-headed daughter (2 yo) who couldn't pronounce her own name (Penelope). My older sis got embarrassed when I would go outside and call Plumply, because of the name. I just told her to be glad I hadn't named her "Belly Button" as I'd first intended.
Then there was a long haired guinea pig we had. He was all white with a black face. His face was surrounded by a white ruff and he had a huge "handlebar moustache." I called him Yosemite Sam. We also had a black cat I called "Ming" because she had a lot of Siamese personality....and the Siamese growl. Of course, it sounded like "mean," which kind suited her anyway. My Mom had two Boston Bulls given to her with the names "Oh, Hell!" and "Dammit!." She hated having to call for them when they were outside. They loved to chase me when I was still running around outside in training pants and sneak up behind me and pull my pants down in back.