To the Household of God that is Israel, and all those who go with them... may you have peace!
This may be a repeat subject, but to go back and find a previous would require more time that I have at this moment.
The true name of the Most Holy One of Israel is not "Jehovah." That is a misrendering of the initials "JHVH" or JHWH," or "yodh, he, veh, he." The yodh... is not a "y", but a "j". However in Hebrew, it is pronounced as the letter "y"(thin, "hallel u jah", which is translated "praise you, Jah"). In Hebrew, the "w" is pronounced as a "v" - think, "Manischweitz"... which is pronounced as "man-e-shev-its". Thus, true pronunication of the name of the name four letters is YahVeh... spelled ""JahVeh." The name means JAH... brings/breathes into existence/causes to become. Jah...Veh. The erroroneous name "JeHoVaH" occurred when the wrong vowels were assumed.
Thus, His servants were names:
Eli-Jah, pronounced "ee-lee-yah" meaning "God (El) is Jah
Joel, pronounced "yah-el" meaning Jah is God (El)
Abijah, pronounced "ab-i-yah" meaning "my father (ab) is Jah (abba, Father!)
And so on. Hebrew, dear ones... is a phonetic language.
For those of you who doubt and need to see the true name is writing, please refer to Psalm 68:4.
The true name of my Lord is NOT "Jesus." The name "Jesus," is the English rendition of the GREEK name, Ieosus," which means "Jah is Zeus," or... Jah is God ('zeus, dios, meaning "god"). His name is JahEShua... meaning Jah is Salvation... and the English rendering is "Joshua" - Yah-Shua.
I know, I know... some of you don't believe the Father exists. I profess to you that He does... He lives... and so does His Son, the one risen from the dead. He is alive... and exert power. He is not flesh and blood... he is a spirit.
I bid you peace!
A slave of the Christ, the Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAHESHUA the "chosen" (mischa) of JAH (jah)...