For a second there, though, I thought she might have been propositioning you, with all that talk about concubines and stuff.
That's the way the storyline seemed to be going.
by unclebruce 76 Replies latest jw friends
For a second there, though, I thought she might have been propositioning you, with all that talk about concubines and stuff.
That's the way the storyline seemed to be going.
Scully...that is bullshyte....
I had two mates. Both were lawyers. Both fiddled their trust accounts at around the same time. Both were investigated by the Law Society. Both were big fun-laughing blokes that you were always glad to meet.
One of them went to jail for a year and ten days and now has a thriving practice in another area, flash car, lovely lady and a lovely house. Employs many people.
The other had a head-on with a milk tanker the day before he was due to appear.
There is no reason for suicide unless suffering from a terminal illness. I would hope that the lady got herself a life (no pun intended). It is good to see that she is getting professional help.
Check out the new post .."1975...Mental health".
Lotta lurkers here.
I cant imagine any pain greater than losing one of your kids, but the way people give up after losing a partner is something that bothers me, it's almost as if their own life means nothing, that they can find no pleasure in doing things alone. Personally I have loads of things I love to do alone and give me pleasure and I think it can only add to a relationship if you both have separate interests.
Sue probably never will find happiness because she's one of those women who invested everything in her family, and now they're gone there is nothing left for her. Reminds me of my mother, now we've all left home she spends her days phoning us and wondering why we haven't asked her round more often! I wish she'd be more independent, but nothing else appeals to her!
But I also agree, I have friends who've contemplated suicide and now years later are so glad they didn't, I really dont feel it's the answer.. except maybe in cases where the person is physically unable to look after themselves and wants out.. but that's a whole new debate!!
Poppy xx
Unclebruce - quite the departure from your typical threads, isn't it?
I don't know (unless you mean where I'm being ambushed by lunatics friends).
One suggestion - get a NIV - better paper, better ink, and less Freddy.
Nup AK- I have at least a dozen bibles but they aren't much use for borg battles. I wouldn't swamp my reasoniing book for a set of Warcry's either
For a second there, though, I thought she might have been propositioning you, with all that talk about concubines and stuff.
LOL Scully, No we are barely on speaking terms apart from our working arrangement - Sue is most definately not my type neither me hers lol. Although it's been a while sinse I was propositioned though .. doesn't it usually involve displaying a touch of cleavage and a long lingering look? Unc who likes calm quiet girls.
Poor Sue. You are a good man, Unc!
I understand what scully said wombat and that is the only choice I have with Sue. Nothing I say or do would stop her doing anything - quite the opposite. I don't know the true sorse of her anger. Apparently she was a hyper agro even before the tradgedies started.
In any case let's not let this become a suicide thread - I probably shouldn't have mentioned it.
But we're glad you mentioned the concubine!
There is no reason for suicide unless suffering from a terminal illness.
Who is to judge whether this lady's pain - from her perspective - isn't "terminal"? I've been in that kind of emotional pain myself, where I wanted to end it all. I was severely depressed, medication wasn't helping, counselling wasn't helping and I couldn't see my way out of a wet paper bag, let alone figure a way out of that state of mind.
I'm glad I didn't go through with what I was thinking back then. And hardly a day goes by when I don't wonder what it would be like if I just "disappeared". I've got my family and a lot of friends though, and I want to be around for them.
I wouldn't dream of imposing my own situation on someone who believes that she has lost everything that ever had any meaning to her. Maybe, to her, suicide is a way of reuniting with her son and husband. It's obvious she loved them both very much and that they were her entire world to her. Maybe without them, her life doesn't have the meaning she enjoyed before they died. She has every right to experience her anger and grief in whatever way suits her. Telling her that if she commits suicide she's going to go to hell, is not going to make her feel better about anything. Wouldn't you be angry if this so-called loving God took away everything you cherished, and then condemned you to burn in hell if you wanted to find some way to be reunited with your child and spouse?
The whole point of counselling should be to find out why she no longer values living, and if possible, help her rediscover some meaning in life. Perhaps in putting her house in order, she'll find something that she values and wants to stick around for.
Wow..what are you lot smoking??
"Telling her that if she commits suicide she's going to go to hell, is not going to make her feel better about anything. "
Wombat never said anything like that.....Read my post again.
There are many vunerable people visiting this site.
It is WRONG that suicide should be made light of..