Great Tribulation-Armaggedon- When?

by architect 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • architect

    According to this past WT study are we waiting for the 8,000 or so anointed to die before the great tribulation or armaggedon come?

  • Leolaia

    Since this number is continually being replenished, I suspect you are in the for long haul.

  • stevenyc
    According to this past WT study are we waiting for the 8,000 or so anointed to die before the great tribulation or armaggedon come

    Whoa, they HAD to die before the big 'A'?


    ps, welcome

  • freedomlover

    interesting architect.

    can you post us the exact quote that says that?

    was it a recent WT?

  • SickofLies

    Actually I have heard this as well, according to dub philosophy you cannot get into heaven unless you die because the scriptures say that the 144,000 have to give their lives like Jesus did, so the borg figures that means they gotta bite the dust before they go. I'm preparing some purple triangles and a few nice drinks for the anointed to help speed the process along.

  • blondie

    October 1, 2034 (just kidding)

  • gumby

    Your correct as to the Watchtowers teaching on this. The annointed must ALL be " sealed"...before Armageddon can come....however, they can be sealed yet STILL be alive when armageddon strikes.

    They have stated it both ways....all will be in heaven at armageddons arrival, and that "some" may still be alive when it takes place. Take your pick


  • unique1

    It was my understanding that some will be alive, but will be taken immediately to heaven at that time.

  • Highlander

    Typical J-Dub DoubleSpeak. Let's have our cake and eat it too! Yay!!!

  • SickofLies
    It was my understanding that some will be alive, but will be taken immediately to heaven at that time.

    You mean a rapture?

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