They dropped the creative-day = 7,000 years, when a friend of mine, an editor for the “Aid,” then “Insight” volumes, made know to WT-officials that this understanding was based on the same Jewish “scholars” that were responsible for the Kabbalah. My friend said that this put the fear of God in them, and they became frightened! Thereafter, they only refer to the creative days in terms of “thousands of years,” and have opted not to explain why they’ve dropped the theory that the creative-day = 7,000 years!
Interesting, I never heard about that.
As I've been out for many years, I wonder whether, among current JWs, this explanation is really considered as "dropped" ("old light") or as somewhat "secret" (i.e. "actually we 'know' it's 7,000 years, but we now say 'thousands of years' to sound more 'scientifically credible'").
(To the wider topic of "creation": homo faber => deus faber?)