Does this make you want to scream?!

by Gill 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    May 2006, Awake, page 30:

    From our Readers

    How to find a Job and Keep It

    'I appreciated your recommendation to follow up on each job opportunity, even if it seems to involve menial work. I recently wanted to cut down to part time employment so that I could devote more time to my Christian ministry. But I was being too particular about the type of work I would accept. Then I was offered another job, which I accepted. It is menial work, but I'm making an effort to be satisfied with it. At least I'm not mentally exhausted when I come home, and I can concentrate on my personal study of the Bible.' M.I. Japan

    So how is this person meant to pay their bills with their menial work ambitions?

  • blondie

    I just read that yesterday, Gill, and had to vomit into the wastebasket next to my chair.

  • jojochan
    It is menial work, but I'm making an effort to be satisfied with it. At least I'm not mentally exhausted when I come home, and I can concentrate on my personal study of the Bible.

    O rly? XD!!!

    Give me a break, noticed how that person mentioned that even though it's menial, they don't like it, but they'll grin and bear it. I don't miss that dogma not one BIT!



  • SickofLies
  • Elsewhere
    'I appreciated your recommendation to follow up on each job opportunity, even if it seems to involve menial work. I recently wanted to cut down to part time employment so that I could devote more time to my Christian ministry. But I was being too particular about the type of work I would accept. Then I was offered another job, which I accepted. It is menial work, but I'm making an effort to be satisfied with it. At least I'm not mentally exhausted when I come home, and I can concentrate on my personal study of the Bible.' M.I. Japan

    Translation: I hate my job, I hate my life, I'm miserable and now I want even more please! Thank you!

  • Honesty
    At least I'm not mentally exhausted when I come home, and I can concentrate on my personal study of the Bible.'

    Translation: I can concentrate more on reading and studying "meat in due season' provided by the annointed ones on the GB of JW's.

  • Finally-Free

    Yes, I'm on the verge of screaming right now. I did the menial, physical work thing, and ended up half crippled and up to my ears in debt before I was 35. All so I could "put kingdom interests first". Ended up losing my home when a brotherâ„¢ stiffed me for several thousand dollars immediately after one of my surgeries. I then endured the loving ridicule of the congregation at my predicament. They didn't hesitate to laugh right in my face - after all, my shitty health at the time prevented me from beating them within an inch of their worthless lives, so it was easy for them to have the courage to ridicule me to my face. Any other time they would cower like the utterly worthless shit they are.

    So then I went back to school to retrain, and the JWs didn't like that either. They tried to counsel me at every opportunity. They can't stand to see someone improve their lot in life. I've come to the conclusion that they are stupid, lazy, worthless people who thrive on looking down on others. Their whole belief system is based on their delusion that they are special, and the rest of the world must be destroyed. It takes less effort to look down on others and ridicule them than it does to improve ones own lot in life. They are stupid, and they desire others to be even more stupid, so that they have someone to look down on, ridicule, and shun. By thus distracting themselves from their own inadequacies they can continue to feel warm and fuzzy in their stupid little world.


  • Dismembered

    Another happy dub toilet licker.


  • JeffT

    I've been in positions to interview lots of people for jobs. I've never hired one is applying for a job that is obviously below is capabilities. It makes you wonder what's wrong with them, or you know they won't be happy and will leave as soon as something better comes along. Either way what the WT evidently said is bad advice.

    Finally-free: your story sounds a lot like mine. After doing a dead end job for eight years I went back to school to study accounting. The congregations I was around at the time made it clear that this was not "Theocratic" (barf) behavior. God forbid a dub might make something of himself.

  • greendawn

    He is no doubt presented as a good example to be imitated, how to be humble and masochistic for the sake of jehovah's organisation that will not give afig for him in later times if he happens to have some financial needs.

    The FDS is very good at receiving but not at giving in other words they are the sort of people that like to receive but not to give.

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