Does this make you want to scream?!
by Gill 18 Replies latest jw friends
I can concentrate on my personal study of the Bible
Yeah, like everyday when she gets home she sits down for hour and studies her bible. Nothing like blowing your trumpet eh?Remember, the society ALWAYS cherry picks experiences that are told in a way they themselves WANT the publishers to act. Most dubs by far do well IF they study the weeks program for the meetings.
I remember when I was a freshman wanting to join the track team but the reasoning from my psuedo rightous witness buddy and everyone else was, it would take time from theocratic activities such as study or afterschool service. Not one damn one of us kids went home and studied nor went out in service.....not one.
Witnesses swallow so much horseshit it's pathetic....and to think I was dumb enough to remain one till I was 40.
*hits self in head with his old field service brown shoe*
Well said, Greendawn! That menial job thing is fine and dandy until something goes wrong for you financially. Then you are on your own with no savings to fall back on!
and to think I was dumb enough to remain one till I was 40
Gumby, stop being dumb enough to worry about that for the rest of your life. We all made it out didn't we.
translationhe is not mentally exhasted( previously he had a job were he used his brains) but now he is physically exhaused(now he does not need his brains, now he must do hard physcial labor, save brains them for Jehovah)
the tragedy that is happening to so many of us baby booomers who did not get out soon enough, it is sad, we will be spending our golden years picking up coke bottles to re-sell
They edited out the rest of the letter that said...
'Still, it would have been better for my entire family if I'd done that physiotherapy degree that I applied for when I left school and hadn't been diverted into pioneering by my concerned elders. If I'd done that my wages from two days per week in a clinic would be worth a month's menial work, and I'd have been able to devote even more time to personal study and field service. Have you ever considered encouraging your devotees to pursue their talents?
Must rush and shower off this cleaning fluid smell...'
And thus another zombie joins the fold ... Yes !
The really sad part is the Dub in the letter will actually feel righteous and smug for a while thinking they are working their way into the new system.. until one day..BOOM.. they are wacked upside the head realizing they are old- sick -broke with no pension and no one to help them.. cuz the borg aint supporting them in their old age..
Use them until they wear out.. I think that is the society's motto isnt it???