I found this VERY offensive. What about you?

by Gill 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    Watchtower, May 15th 2006

    (Back page)

    The Value of 'a Weaker Vessel'

    'You husbands, continue dwelling (with you wives) according to knowledge' wrote the apostle Peter 'assigning them honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one.' Does this Scriptural reference to a woman as a 'weaker vesses' belittle women in any way? Let us see what the inspired writer originally intended to convey.

    The Greek noun rendered 'honor' means 'price, value....respect.' Thus a Christian husband is to treat his wife with tenderness showing her due consideration as a delicate, precious vessel. This is not demaning at all. As an example, consider the Tiffany lotus lamp. This exquisaitely fine lamp can indeed be considered delicate. Does the lamp's fragile nature diminish its value? Far from it! In 1997 the orignal Tiffany lotus lamp sold at an auction for 2.8 million dollars! Its delicate makeup served to enhance its value, not diminish it.

    Likewise, assigning a woman honor as to a weaker vessel does not devalue or demean her. Dwelling with his wife 'according to knowledge' means that a husband takes into account her strengths and limitations, likes and dislikes, outlook and feelings. A caring husband recognizes and respects personality differences between him and his wife. He shows due consideration for her 'in order for his prayers not to be hindered.' A husband who fails to respect his wife's feminine virtues endangers his own relationship with God. Clearly, God's word does not belittle women. Rather, it dignifies and honors them.'

    I found this offensive...exceptionally offensive. Women, apart from physical muscle strength are NOT in anyway weaker than men. And to compare us to a fragile glass lamp!!!

  • blondie


    This man knows nothing about childbirth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not even vicariously.


  • AuldSoul

    And drawing comparison to the value in dollars. "Dear Brothers, if you only knew the street value of your wives you would be more careful with them."

  • ballistic

    Is it saying you might get more than you expect if you put the miss's on Ebay?

  • LDH
    a husband takes into account her strengths and limitations, likes and dislikes, outlook and feelings.

    Please explain to me how this differs from the way a wife is supposed to treat her husband?!?!?

  • AuldSoul

    ballistic, why do I get the sensation of a bad case of hives coming on whenever it appears you and are sharing a brain on an issue? Does that happen to you, too?

  • juni


    With all due respect to the men here - it is a proven scientific fact that men can only focus on one thing at a time; they have a hard time multi-tasking.

    Whereas, women do have the ability to take on more than one thing at a time. And if you've raised kids - you know what I'm talking about. They always thought that I had eyes on the back of my head. hee hee!!

    By those words in the WT, it's belittling to women. We do like our chocolate and flowers and to be heard, but we don't need pity for our lack of maleness.

    Anyway, do you men know that you started out as a female????? Yes. This is true per my friend who researched this. You were once a little female "kidney bean" and then morphed male.


  • ballistic

    hmmm, can't say I'd noticed AuldSoul?

  • AuldSoul

    I'm a bit under the weather, ballistic, so my funny meter may be a little off. I was making a weak attempt at humor, it apparently went awry.

    Juni, yes, the original form of all males is female, then they..."branch" out from there.


  • ballistic
    Anyway, do you men know that you started out as a female????? Yes. This is true per my friend who researched this. You were once a little female "kidney bean" and then morphed male.

    Let's not turn this into a male vs. female thing. You know men are better.

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