How many full meals do you eat a day?

by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I always did eat 3 meals a day. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

    I read someplace that eating 2 meals a day would be better, because your stomach would rest longer periods.

    On the other hand, some say to eat often and small portions. It's hard to tell which is best.

    And you, how many meals do you eat a day?

  • lola28



  • delilah

    I eat only one full meal, and that's at dinner...I have yogurt and banana for breakfast....nothing usually for lunch...I'm just not hungry then.

  • ballistic

    It depends what you mean by "full" meals, but you should only eat until you feel engorged once a day.

  • greendawn

    I have a good breakfast, fried bacon, eggs, mushrooms with buttered bread slices and some fruit juice, good sandwiches and fruit for lunch and a hearty proper dinner.

    Healthwise I don't think it matters how many times you eat as long as the sum total of food consumed for the day is not excessive.

  • wednesday

    I usually have coffee, 2-3 cups or tea, in the am. Lately I have been trying to add a eat bowl oatmeal. I don't eat lunch, not too hungry, but we eat dinner. Actually I have read it is not good to eat this way, esp for losing weight. They say you shoud eat at least 3 small meals.Our dinner is ok so if I could just try and maybe eat some tuna for lunch, I would probably feel better. I have type 2 diabetes and you can't just eat anything I have to limit my bread and carbs. So sometimes I don't eat b/c there is nothing suitable around to eat.

    another thing I have found, if I have a headache, try a glass of water first. often a person can be dehydrated and not realize it.

  • serendipity

    I eat three light meals and two snacks most days, ok maybe 75% of the time. Frequent meals help keep me mentally sharp.

  • stillajwexelder

    1 sometimes 2, extremely rare for me to eat breakfast

  • greendawn

    So you skip breakfast altogether you don't even eat some fruit? I would feel weak or at times dizzy through the morning without a good breakfast.

    Oily fish is the best food for helping the brain work optimally.

  • Ellie

    I eat a light breakfast and lunch, then a good, filling meal for dinner followed by a snack in the evening, but when my next baby is old enough and I have more time I shall go ack to eating a large breakfast mid morning (bacon etc) missing lunch and a full meal for dinner again.

    I do like me grub

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