How many full meals do you eat a day?

by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    I only eat one, starts in the morning and ends at night.

    Ken P.

  • unclebruce

    Watch that oily fish on an empty stomach in summer greendawn.

    I collapsed on field service once after having sardines on toast for breakfast. Why the f*ck we were door knocking on a 110 degree day is beyond me anyway. lol ah those last days were a fun time. I toughened up later in the roofing trade.

    a healthy diet:

    breakfast: egg & bacon on toast, lunch: a fully pumped sandwich, tea (dinner to you foreigners): meat and three veg or fish and three veg or spagetti brucorini and garlic bread ...yum

  • luna2

    My tendancy is to skip breakfast (unless coffee is considered breakfast). I know its a bad idea but I'm just not hungry in the morning...I get up at 5:30 and I don't want anything til about 10:30, so I usually wait for lunch. Lunch is either tuna or salmon salad or a big chef's salad. Dinner lately has been sandwiches because I get home pretty late and I don't feel like cooking. Hrmmm...not exactly balanced, is it? lol

  • GentlyFeral

    About two and a half, when I'm behaving myself; I'm teaching myself to skip carbs with dinner.

    But unless I have a big breakfast on workdays - whole grain bread or porridge, egg, and a meat thing - I have a blood sugar crash before noon. Access to food and/or sugar is no problem, but it's damn uncomfortable and inconvenient.


  • free2beme

    I used to only eat dinner and then a small lunch. Now, because I am trying to stay in better shape, I eat three meals a day and just do smaller portions. Hard to believe that eating less meals, is something that can make you gain weight, but it does. I normally have a simple breakfast, like a bowl of cereal. Lunch I like the Lean Cuisines selection or a sandwich, Dinner I really push a three course bill with a vegie being a must and I seem to favor chicken for the meat. So many things you can do with Chicken!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I just eat snack-sized portions throughout the day when I get hungry for a nibble..........unless there's something really delish cooked up, then I eat a full meal.


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