The cancer has changed my wife

by outoftheorg 37 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • greendawn

    Sorry to hear about this trouble that hit your family, unfortunately that's the reality of human existence, it is so fragile.

    That doctor had a lot of courage and fairness to give you the correct advice the therapy would have caused a lot of distress for no good end.

  • outoftheorg

    Thanks to you all for your kind words and advice.

    Yes Metatron Sea Weed is one of the things she is taking along with the other cancer herbs. The old man here in weiser took this herbal treatment for a skin cancer about the size of 1/2 of a small egg and it fell off. Then when he had a hip replaced the drs. found bone cancer and the same treatment in tablets were used and they say the cancer has not returned.

    If only I could completely believe him. There are so many sham treatments one never knows.

    jgnat I hope I have the strength your dad has. I already have the pocket calendar and the note pad.

    Yes Merry my wife would just love to see you are praying for her. She is much more religious related than I am. Although I do not trust the bible and doubt its description of God, I do think that there just might be a creator of us and the universe.

    Thanks Greendawn and Serendipity sp? for your kind response.

  • outoftheorg

    Thanks to Wednesday and Luna also . I almost missed you since my memory is, well you know, I was complaining about it before.


  • MerryMagdalene

    You can tell Donna she will be in my prayers, as well as added to the weekly vigil here, and the prayers of the congregation with which I now enjoy fellowship.


  • ><>

    Dear Sir,

    My husband is a physican and I manage the office. I'm very familiar with what your experiencing and I know it isn't easy. First off, don't feel bad about not being able to remember things. It's your brain's way of say, it's taking in "overload" at this time. I'm only 40 and I forget things alot too! Tell your doctor what you're expericing..he should be able to advise you on you options on how to cope successfully. Second, there are plenty of Cancer treatment centers that can assist you with everything you mentioned. Simply call you local Cancer Society, if you haven't already and they will direct you. If you can't call, get some one to call for you to obtain information. And last, you're right about "sham" treatments. There are too many out there. Be sure to get your Drs. okay with anything you consider giving your wife, that isn't prescribed by him or another physician.

    While I don't know you or your wife, I'll certainly pray for her and you too.


  • cruzanheart

    I am so sorry for what you are both going through. I know it's devastating to both of you and EXTREMELY stressful.

    See if your doctors or local Cancer Society can recommend a support group. Start a blog. Share your feelings and I guarantee you will find others who are going through the same thing and who feel exactly as you do.

    You are not alone in this!

    Lots of hugs,


  • GentlyFeral

    Outoftheorg, I'm so sorry to hear this.

    On a strictly palliative note: if you live in a medical marijuana state, please google "Lester Grinspoon" + cancer + "medical marijuana." I don't have a medical background, so that's all the material advice I can offer – oh, except this:

    Your wife is not obligated to leave anything to anyone in particular. She can bequeath her estate to, or disinherit, anyone she chooses.

    'Nuff said,


  • simplesally

    If your wife has decided to forego treatment, talk to your dr about hospice. They will provide her with assistance, sources for help, medication and support. They are considered palliative care. They help one with the Quality of Life since the ill person no longer is in a curative stage. Hospice can help you with driving her to and from doctors visits and they can set up a room for her as her time gets shorter ...... eg. a hospital bed in the living room so she can be in a bigger room and it might be easier for her to have visitors there.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I believe one thing that might help you both, alot, is to read books like (Learning from the Near Death Experiences of Children) Closer To The Light by Melvin Morse M.D. He is a doctor from the Seattle area who studies near death experiences and death bed visions of hundreds of patients. He has overwhelming evidence that they do happen. I believe it would bring you both a lot of comfort. That is part of why he did the research and has written about it, to help patients and their families so they won't be so frightened. I like his book because it's documented. Some of the things have no other explanation than someone had to have left their body to be able to see the things they did. The death bed visions are also very comforting. You read about things on line. But I think the book, by the doctor is the most important source to start with. He gives scientific evidence. Hugs to you both. Think about getting the book. I got it from my local library.

  • Snoozy

    I am so sorry for what you and your wife are going through. My heart aches for you. I went through the same thing 3 years ago with hubby. He had lung cancer that spread to his liver. After that they couldn't give him any more chemo. They can't seem to treat it successfully in the liver as it grows so fast there.(Unless they can catch it in the very early stages). He had a very aggressive cancer so it spread very quickly..the only thing that sent us to the Dr was he turned yellow from jaundice. The ironic part was the chemo was shrinking the tumor in his lung but the liver tumors wouldn't respond to the chemo and kept spreading. He lasted 5 months after he was diagnosed. It was hard..very hard. The only advice I can give you is to have some help so you can get some rest. If you have to hire a nurse for nightime..or have one of the kids come over so you can get some rest. I was so tired from 24 hour duty that I fell down and ripped a tendon in my knee.I just layed there crying until the pain died down. It hurt so bad I had to use a cane.Hubby was so out of it he never noticed. I was just so tired I was getting clumsy. Now I wish I had demanded help from the kids!..They worked but could have taken time off. I could have had more quality time with him if I had had more help. Please feel free to E Mail me if you want to talk. I have been through it all. Sometimes just sharing what you are going through and knowing someone else felt the same pain helps..

    Snoozy...(We almost made it to our 45 year anniversary..)

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