So, Moggylover, Christ IS the goodnews of the kingdom?
Without Sarcasm, How would a witness respond to this?
by Kristofer 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As I understand it, most "Fire and Brimstone" type preachers don't find anything "good" about the supposedly coming Apocalypse.
Please ask your JW door-knockers to explain how the death of 99.9% of the people living on the Earth is "good news". Even if you survive this Divine Genocide, I don't think most people will be saying "Gee, that sure was a great experience!"
~Q -
To follow on MoggyLover's post:
The "good news (Gospel) of the kingdom" is a Matthean phrase which also describes what Jesus preached (4:23; 9:35). The message (identical to John the Baptist's, 3:2) is "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." (4:17)
That was definitely not something for 1,900 + years later:
"There are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." (16:28)
"Truly I tell you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes." (10:23)
"Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place." (24:34) -
Nathan Natas
Justitia Themis, Greco-Roman goddess of justice, do you think that 50 years from now you will still be warning people that Armageddon is just around the corner? (assuming you live another fifty years, of course.)
Many people here were once as you are now, and if you really do have a head on your shoulders and not just a fuzzy hatrack, you will one day be as many here now are.
"Cogito, ergo sum."
Justitia Themis, If you think you need to wait until the "future" to know what the promise is, you won't receive it.
I know who I believe in and am fully convinced that He will keep His promise to me, the promise of eternal like. This is the message of the bible and the message of Paul. Read Romans, Galatians and Ephesians.
Salvation is handed out freely by God according to faith. The more you believe you are saved, the more you will act like you are saved. A saved person only wants to do God's will. This is the trick, this is how the magic takes place. It's all right there in the bible. Don't try to make it harder than it is.
But if you think that only after the fact, will we know, you will be disappointed. You need to know in your heart, now, today.