Why the WT says you should read their older books!

by Dogpatch 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Watchtower May 15, 1957 pp.313-315 Appreciating Basic Christian Publications:
    …Their zeal for knowledge may even prompt them to dig back into things that were published long before they came into the truth, expanding and deepening their understanding, and ever growing in Christian maturity. Do you dig into our older publications to expand and deepen your knowledge on subjects about which questions arise? Have you really studied these earlier publications? How is your background of knowledge? Never think: "Oh, I know most of that." For you will find, indeed, that you do not and that you will be strengthened by your additional study...once you have completed your study of them you can then look to even older publications. Only by studying earlier publications and digging back through previous issues of The Watchtower kept in the library at your local Kingdom Hall. There is much in the way of spiritual riches and aid toward mature knowledge in these earlier publications, and their study is most certainly worth your time.

    This is a good one to use on the dubs! Get them to read the old light!! LIGHTS OUT!! Goodnight and goodluck! :-))

    I'm going to use this quote for awhile...



  • stillajwexelder

    great find Randy - thanks

  • greendawn

    They are contradicting themselves normally their position is that it is not desirable to read old publications because they were superceded by the so called new light, better described as the new darkness. .

  • Elsewhere

    The Watchtower Society wants jahovahs witnesses to read past BS in a manner they can control. This way jehovahs witnesses will find the old crap, absorb it, and then rationalize it in their minds BEFORE they see it on the internet in a form that is far more clear and damning.

    It is a "preemptive strike" to get to the jehovahs witnesses before we do.

  • DannyHaszard

    Keeper quote

  • Clam

    Ha, great quote Dogpatch - but you weren't supposed to be going through old Watchtower quotes to see that in the first place!. . .

  • ballistic

    Nice. So the average JW would do well to study pyramidology.

  • Atlantis
  • stillAwitness

    I am still a bit confused. If JW's are actually encouraged to read older publications won't they stumble on the outrageous old teachings that many of us have come to know and hate? It still doesn't make sense.

  • ballistic

    StillAwitness, this was something they said in the past to try to get people to buy more books ... they would never recommend it now.

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