Why the WT says you should read their older books!

by Dogpatch 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillAwitness

    I see. But I have heard talks of the society encouraging us to read older publications but perhaps those are the more recent older ones-like going back to a 95' WT rather than '59. I got ya

  • ballistic

    yes, of course, otherwise you could legitamately ask why the Golden Age Watchtowers and the Divine Plan of The Ages are not on the Watchtower CD ROM. Someone made a concious decision to draw a line in the sand.

  • mcsemike

    I think the WT is losing its marbles. One of the primary reasons why the JW's DON'T have the truth is simply because they keep changing the truth. If the lobotimized JW's read the old stuff, they're bound to see the dishonesty and other garbage. Next, they'll be telling the JW's to read Miller's books and Seventh Day Adventist material since it's even older and much of the WT is based on it. Why, my lord, they might dig up the idea to go even FURTHER back and actually reach the time of the apostles. Then they could read the BIBLE, something they know nothing about. But, of course, the Bible is "old light". It was "meat in due season". If JW's want a good look at hypocricy, they need only go back in time to the pyramids. Reminds me of the James Bond movie where he goes to Egypt. Oh my God, I shouldn't have the movie in my house. I'm "going down to Egypt" if I watch it. Maybe if I wear a wire pyramid hat, I can calculate when the end will come.

  • geevee

    This article referred to is from 1957.....old light people..... lucky that it still makes it on the WT-CD isn't it.
    Some people seem to get prestige from their ownership of all the old books going back to Russell. They use it as some kind of status symbol, but never really "READ" them. Only maybe to poke a little "intellectual" fun at Russell or Rutherford, but not seeing that what they believe is still the same kind of BullS**t thay they read about in the old books....just a different shade is all.

  • willyloman
    this was something they said in the past to try to get people to buy more books ... they would never recommend it now.

    "they" might not, in writing, but one of them did recently.

    At the last elders' school I attended, not that long ago (2002, if memory serves), Ted Jaracz was the Bethel Heavy assigned to our gathering. At the end of the program, he gave one of those rambling summary speeches and, as these guys often do, went off on a tangent. He criticized modern day dubs for being obsessed with entertainment and said elders were no better. He compared that to the good old days and said, "We didn't need entertainment every weekend. We spent the time reading and studying." He seemed to think more of that endeavor would be a good thing.

    Then he added: "Why not go back and read all the old books, all the way back to 1919? That way you'll learn your history, where you came from. That will keep you busy and you won't need constant entertainment." I'm paraphrasing from memory here, but "go back and read all the WTS publications since 1919" were almost his exact words.

    I was shocked, frankly, because I agree with the posters here that such an effort would lead any thinking person OUT of "the truth." But that's what he said. The audience stirred not a muscle. The room went totally silent, which made me wonder if my skepticism was shared by most of the others who were there.

    I've come to think this is just further evidence of how totally out of touch the WT leaders are with reality. They've spewed so much crap, they've come to belief it's fresh fruit. I don't think for a minute that Ted goes to bed at night with Rutherford's books at his side, reading them in an undertone.

    He just lives in a protective bubble, where no criticism, and certainly no thinking, is allowed.

  • truth about the last days
    truth about the last days

    Yes. Even in the new "Inspired" book that is used in the service school states in there to encourage all to have a good libuary of the older publications. I encourage this so that many more will know of the past, and learn as to what taught at a certern year. C.T. Russell, for example.

  • sf


    Off topic question: Do you recall a man named JOHN BECHTEL while you were at Bethel? Or have you ever heard of him?

    I submitted a thread Friday inquiring about the man, with his photo. Could you please view it and see if he rings any bells?


  • Dogpatch

    hi Skally

  • Dogpatch

    hi Skally, I remember the name but didn't know him personally. Email me with the URL of your other post where the picture is at [email protected]


  • Rescripting_myself

    This was written in 1957 nearly 50 years ago. I remember on some of the threads here or on some of the ex-JW websites that after the summer of 1980 crisis culminating in the expulsion of Raymond Franz and others, congregations were asked to ask JWs with much older publications to return them so they could be donated to newer congregations' libraries. The donated publications were however destroyed as The WTS only wanted them returned to remove them from circulation showing how scared they are at the possibility of JWs reading the publications. Anybody who can confirm this or who has more details on it?

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