Duplicate post from another thread:
Think BIG and you will understand what is going on here.
You probably believe one of the following:
- Al-Qaeda did it (the official story)
- The Bush Admin allowed it
- The Bush Admin caused it
The truth of the matter is, none of these are true.
Al-Qaeda is a patsy. The story was made up to invade the middle east and pit the Muslims against the western world. To give birth to a major world conflict. Take a look at the evening news and you will see if this is true. We are on the brink of WWIII.
Bush is merely a puppet. He is merely following the protocol. There is a hidden elite pulling his strings. The purpose is to establish a New World fascist Order.
The plan is to give birth to a one world govt after this major world conflict. This has been in the works for a long, long time.
I'd love to give you better news but this is where we are headed. Don't get mad at me... I'm not the one doing this.
Look at the world around you. Compare it with 9/10/01:
Can you see more surveilance?
Can you see how free speech has been diminished?
Can you see how much more power the government has assumed?
Can you see how much more power the police force has received?
Can you see how much more volatile world geo-politics have become?
Can you see how much closer we are to a global conflict?
I can go on and on....
Please stop looking at the minute details of 9/11. Did Bush allow it? Did he cause it? Was the fire hot enough to collapse the bldg? Was it really the pancake effect? Was it flimsy construction? etc....blah blah blah.... None of this matters folks!
The real issue is MUCH BIGGER than this. You don't have to believe this if you don't want. The unfolding of history will tell the tale. The NWO is emerging in front of our very eyes as we bicker and argue about the petty details.
We need to wake up for we are in for a wild ride...