Please stop looking at the minute details of 9/11. Did Bush allow it? Did he cause it? Was the fire hot enough to collapse the bldg? Was it really the pancake effect? Was it flimsy construction? etc....blah blah blah.... None of this matters folks!The real issue is MUCH BIGGER than this. You don't have to believe this if you don't want. The unfolding of history will tell the tale. The NWO is emerging in front of our very eyes as we bicker and argue about the petty details.
Please don't condemn people for looking at some of the "minute details". There may be some very big things going on. All the more reason to start small and allow the mind and emotions to process it.
One of the biggest problems with 9/11 exposure is there are a lot fanatics (read: "nut-cakes") around it: which does not motivate people to re-look at things, but rather motivates them to shake their head, blindly accept the official story and walk away.