My mother daily text from Sunday which she sends to me.
In Jehovah my soul will make its boast; the meek ones will hear and will rejoice. Ps. 34:2
One way to strengthen our sense of Christian identity is to examine and imitate the faith of loyal worshipers. The Israelite girl who became a slave of the Syrian general Naaman did not forget her identity as a worshipper of Jehovah. When the opportunity arose, she boldly gave a fine witness for Jehovah when she identifies Elisha as a prophet of the true God. (2 Kings 5:1-19) Years after that, young King Josiah, despite being in a corrupt environment, enacted long-tern religious reforms, repaired Jehovah’s temple, and led the nation back to Jehovah. He took pride in his faith and worship. (2 Chron. 34 and 35) Daniel and his three Hebrew companions in Babylon never forgot their identity as servants of Jehovah, and even under pressure and temptation, they kept their integrity. Clearly, they were proud to be servants of Jehovah. Dan 1:8-20. w 2/15/05 11-15
My comment:
Look at these fine examples of individuals who made a dedication to Jehovah at a very young age and stuck to it. Their ages were between 8 and 15. So can we deny someone who says they want to be baptized, even though they are young, the right to do so? Were these young people encouraged and taught by their parents to serve Jehovah? Josiah was not but the rest definitely were. We all need to keep our Christian ID and reflect on our dedication so we too can stand firm when under pressure. Just as the young ones did in today’s text.
She is incorrect on this right. Jesus couldn't get baptized until he was 30. So technically even though these young people served Jehovah they were not dedicated and baptized, nor could they be until they were 30. Am I right?