So with all the study articles discussing new light some have speculated that something is in the works.
Blondie pointed out that in 1995 there were also "new light" articles leading up to the generation and the "sheep and the goats" changes.
There was some debate on whether the new light on the generation was first released at the convention or in the autumn Watchtower. I think consensus was reached that it was not mentioned at the 1995 convention, but was first discussed in the Watchtower later that year. Probably it was deemed too big a change to be entrusted to a brother in a talk - better to put it down in writing first. But I do think the sheep and the goats change was mentioned at the convention of that year - that was probably not as damaging a change as the generation teaching where they had painted themselves into a corner.
So what will the new change be, if the recent "new light" articles are indeed leading up to something. Many would hope it would be on blood, but it won't - they wouldn't dare change that now after defending it so long. Besides, the "new lght" article itself actually mentioned the introduction fo the blood doctrine in 1945 positively.
But there was no mention of 1914 in the article, I don't think. And I don't recall reading about it in the recent magazines either.
There was a hint about the up-and-coming generation change in 1995 when the new study book "Knowledge" was released and it did not mention the teaching. So we will need to look at the new publication closely to see if it reiterates the the 1914 teaching, or whether some other teaching is omitted. Also watch out the Watchtowers from now on to see if they omit 1914. I think they stopped plugging the generation teaching for something like up to a year before they announced they had dropped it.
If it is a big reversal, like the generation change, it will probably not be announced at the convention but in a Watchtower study article again later in the year.
It is just possible that they will change the 1914 teaching. They don't need to, not yet, so in that sense it would be surprising if they changed something when they are not actually forced to do so by circumstance. But then again, there may be someone actually doing some thinking for a change at the top.
Has anyone else seen 1914 mentioned in the magazines recently?