Ultimately this is a logic puzzle.
But, it is illogical.
Consequently, what religion attempts to do is justify an illogical presentation of "facts".
These bogus "facts" are the result of thousands of years of incremental apologist's efforts.
This sort of mental problem often manifests itself among certain human beings in a condition known as Munchausen's Syndrome.
The term "Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy" , describes a somewhat less extreme form of child abuse in which a parent deliberately induced injury in their child, or, reported injuries which did not exist. By stepping in and "rescuing" the child the parent can then be viewed as heroic.
Tragically, MSBP victims are usually children, and the perpetrators are almost always parents or parent substitutes. If and when victims are hospitalized, they may be subjected to multiple, and at times, dangerous diagnostic procedures that invariably produce negative or confounding results. When the victim and abuser are separated, however, the victim's symptoms cease. When confronted, the abuser characteristically denies any knowledge of how the child's illness occurred.
In other words, God suffers from this rescue syndrome because He (as a parent) allows abuse of his "children" both by permitting death and evil as well as by approving of the sacrificial death of his own son.
This so-called "provision for mankind's salvation" is nothing more than a manifestation of this insane syndrome.