A comment my Mom made

by Junction-Guy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Mom and I were discussing some recent books on the Catholic church, and Mom said that supposedly the Catholic Church was holding some major secrets on the Bible and that if the Catholic people were to ever find out, they would literally destroy the Catholic Church and there would be rioting in the streets. I told Mom, "look at all of the children who have died from no blood, look at all of the people who forsook college education, look at all of the families destroyed, look at all of the children molested, look all of the lies of the WT Society, and yet the WT Society still flourishes, the Catholic Church would probably get through that too"

    She just told me that they would tear that church apart.


  • Junction-Guy

    I guess my main reason for posting this is-- What atrocities in recent history would cause people to turn against a religion with a passion. As for the JW's children have died, have been molested, ect etc etc, yet its hard to gather people together to do a campaign, and only a few diehards willingly participate. What would the Catholic Church have to be guilty of for this to happen, especially when you consider the lack of support for XJW causes. Would the Catholic Church get off scott free like the WT?

  • ferret

    First class hypocrits. Do as we say not as we do. How do they feel they are better then the Catholic Church.

  • JAVA

    The Roman Catholic Church is the oldest Christian church, and as such, it has a lot of dark history. When you think about it, much of its history reflects the values of the time to one degree or another. Each period of time reflects different attitudes and values, and religion as a whole is pulled into the next century with a lot of stuff they would rather not talk about when looking at the past. When you’ve been around as long as the Catholic Church, it’s easy to look back and say, “Oh my God, how could they have done that?” The answer is fairly easy; the Catholic Church is a man-made organization with the same morals and values of the times. It’s nothing more than a man-made organization (no matter what they claim) as is all religion. We get into trouble when we take religion religiously. Religion is a myth that tries to explain what we can’t prove. When myth is viewed as truth, we usually end up with many dark secrets in the closet. Enlightened folks are not going to tear the church down; they simply move on. Other folks that need to turn myth into truth will always need a church—and the beat goes on.

    I hope to see you and your mon this Sunday at the Dayton meetup.

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks Java, I cant wait. Marion's Pizza sounds so good right now.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Mom said that supposedly the Catholic Church was holding some major secrets on the Bible

    Is that common speculation or does she have an "in" somewhere?

  • Junction-Guy

    Check this topic later, I have to go now, but will post the answer later tonight.


  • greendawn

    The Catholic church were a very oppressive lot in times gone by but today they are no longer such. However the WTS is an oppressive religion in our days and that is what really matters, they are the real problem at present not the catholics.

  • serendipity

    Maybe the Catholic Church would apologize to stem the loss and because it's the Christian thing to do?

  • jstalin
    Maybe the Catholic Church would apologize to stem the loss and because it's the Christian thing to do?

    Pope John Paul II did. http://www-tech.mit.edu/V120/N14/col14kris.14c.html

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