A comment my Mom made

by Junction-Guy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere
    Mom and I were discussing some recent books on the Catholic church, and Mom said that supposedly the Catholic Church was holding some major secrets on the Bible

    Several books huh? Looks like the Catholic Church isn't doing a very good job of hiding its secrets.... yet still no rioting.

    Typical JW think.... very sad.

  • blondie

    If anything would tear the Catholic Church apart based on the press it has received is the religious child sexual abuse issue. What many people don't realize is that it is a comparative small group of Catholics and ex-Catholics that have been fighting them on this. They have been effective, but many Catholics are still faithful, think these are crackpot people and lying about the whole thing....sound familiar.


    Actually Catholics have reacted much the same as JWs have, buried their head in the sand and punished the victims.


  • James Free
    James Free

    Baseless gossip stemming from someone reading the Da Vinci Code. Good Book, maybe good film - but FICTION.

  • Oroborus21

    sounds like she has picked up some of the thought behind the Da Vinci Code, perhaps even subconsciously or without really thinking about it. Maybe she heard something on the TV or someone discussing the theory. Maybe she would like the movie?

    Keep in mind it is all fiction and all in good clean fun.


  • Junction-Guy

    To Doubleedge- What Mom was referring to was the Davinci code book and also several TV documentaries lately that seem to mention that the Catholic church has been keeping major secrets. They say that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, and that he didnt die at Calvary, but was taken off the cross, and survived his execution. There have been numerous books, commentaries, tv shows, etc in the last few years, and supposedly they are keeping these major secrets that could rock the whole world if discovered. I dont believe these things, but some people do, and some people enjoy reading this stuff.


  • JAVA

    I read an article at Salon.com titled, "Jesus: The Coverup," by Laura Miller. It starts off with this remark:
    "Holy Blood, Hold Grail," the source for "The Da Vinci Code," is a masterwork of paranoid pseudohistory. Now its author is back, arguing that Jesus faked his own death and ran off with Mary Magdelene. Verily, there's a sucker born every minute."
    I copied the 9-page article for your mom, and will bring it to the meet-up in Dayton tomorrow.

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks Java, Im sure Mom will enjoy reading it.


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