At the service meeting after the Memorial, they usually announce the local Memorial Attendance.
The Society has frequently given the Branch Memorial numbers with the Monthly service report a few months later. This has not been consistent and some years no figures were given. The format seemed to vary also.
In 1992, the August KM for the May service report included this:
REPORT FOR 19921992 1991 Difference
Total Attendance: 1,939,220 1,910,194 +29,026 (1.5%)
Number of Partakers: 3,602 3,666 –64 (–1.7%)
The 1993 August KM with reference to the Service Report for April gave this:.
A Fine Memorial Report
The Memorial attendance on April 6 was 1,975,255, a fine increase of 36,035 over last year’s attendance and more than twice the number of publishers in the United States. This indicates excellent potential for increase in our generally well-worked territory. The number of partakers at the Memorial was 3,602
In 1994, the format looking like the 1992 format was this:
Service ReportAv. Av. Av. Av.
Number of: Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.
Sp’l Pios. 206 124.8 73.9 51.3 5.3
Pios. 70,750 80.8 34.4 25.3 2.6
Aux.Pios. 31,343 59.0 26.3 15.2 1.4
Pubs. 786,318 10.0 5.7 3.7 0.5
TOTAL 888,617 Baptized: 2,509
1994 1993 Difference
Attendance: 1,994,485 1,975,255 +19,230 (1.0%)
Partakers: 3,535 3,591 –56 (1.6%)
1994 seems to be the last year that the Memorial Report was given in the KM with the service report from the same month.
After that the appareances are what is contained in the annual reports and yearbooks.