Once in a while, not often, I might fell like saying a few words to God in prayer, but I don't do it, knowing that it's a waste of time, because it won't make a difference.
If you still pray, what do you get out of it?
by JH 28 Replies latest jw friends
I think that God hears what we have to say. I think you just have to find a place to believe or something to believe in.
I have no time to pray or to Goooooooooddddddddddddddddd lol
I get results when I pray.
God hears our prayers. He answers our prayers to suit our needs and not our wants and for His will.
God is is charge.
I keep praying for a huge pile of money to materialize on my kitchen table but it's not happening. Maybe I should ask God to put it in the garage instead - there may not be enough room on the kitchen table.
its just a familiar form of meditation for me.. helps me straighten my thoughts out. dunno if i get anything else out of it. in 3 weeks it'll have been a year since i've seen my kids.. thats one huge unanswered prayer.
I don't
because I can't....I just can't.
Though it may be hard to accept - we don't always get what we want.
God knows our needs and He supplies our needs. What do we give God in return?
because I can't....I just can't.
Why you can't?
Double Edge
I might fell like saying a few words to God in prayer, but I don't do it, knowing that it's a waste of time, because it won't make a difference
well, if that's the way you would approach prayer, then you get exactly what your thoughts are. I think the problem is not in praying, it's your approach to prayer. I thought the same way when I was younger. Then I took some time and research, went outside my religious beliefs to explore how others in this world effectively communicate with the Creator. I takes patience, but the rewards are enormous. Now, I don't pray to "Santa Clause" with a wish list, but to a Creator who can bring peace and calm to ones troubled soul in knowing that there is a plan for us individually and for the world in general. my 2 cents from my experience.... others may vary because of a different approach.