Lola's big mouth part 2

by lola28 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustTickledPink

    You are NOT obligated to tell them anything. Whatever they ask, just brush their stupid questions aside. Roll your eyes and tell them you accidentally found some sites and mentioned it but honestly you'd rather spend time shopping online, etc.

    Never admit to anything. Being honest will get you absolutely nowhere. Better to act like a dumb blonde and giggle about it than be honest.

    Trust me, honesty got me DF'd when they had NO PROOF that I had ever done anything 'wrong' in their book.

  • ObservingTexan

    WE WILL GO TO THE MALL if you write the letter. It's a win-win. If, though, you choose to let the mind controllers do their thing I will have to do the only thing I know. Open that can of "Texas Whoop Ass" on you , Lola mi amiga. NOW, DON'T MAKE ME REACH FOR THE CAN OPENER!!!!!!!!!!

    ps...... I'll buy you all the Victoria's Secret stuff an ex-JW could ever want or need

  • ObservingTexan

    You are NOT obligated to tell them anything. Whatever they ask, just brush their stupid questions aside. Roll your eyes and tell them you accidentally found some sites and mentioned it but honestly you'd rather spend time shopping online, etc.

    Never admit to anything. Being honest will get you absolutely nowhere. Better to act like a dumb blonde and giggle about it than be honest.

    Trust me, honesty got me DF'd when they had NO PROOF that I had ever done anything 'wrong' in their book.

    With all due respect JTP..... it's your suggestion simply handing back the power to the mind controllers?

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