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Ray Franz---A Man We Owe Our Thanks To
by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends
I understand he needs $$$ but it's too bad more excerpts can't be put (legally and with his permission) n the internet. The 'net is THE #1 way to get people out!
MAny thanks to The MAN , Ray Franz.
if it had happened in reverse, perhaps joining the dubs from another religion the WT would trumpet his experience and say he had been placed in that position by God, so as to serve His purpose.. Well, can we really say otherwise?
I suggest buying your books through:
Otherwise, Amazon takes a big cut out of his small profits.
I agree. Thank you Ray! May God continue to bless you and your family.
Slimboyfat, just a question, and a point:
Did you ever have a chance to meet Ray, or talk with him on this subject? In particular, did you meet or talk with him at the time of these events?
I agree with you that he was a reformer at heart. Also, that he was also a slow and reluctant fader just like many on this board. He loved the bible and the freinds and wanted to help them. When he saw that nothing further could be done from within, he made his escape. He did so by forcing the GB to oust him, thus illustrating what a bunch of hypocrites they really were. I cannot see where he would have ever compromised to "stay in" - not after his final decisions had been made.
I think a good way to describe his exit from bethel was kind of like what Chuck Yeager described on the process of bailing out of the F104 Starfighter..."we called it committing suicide to avoid getting killed"...
My point here is that Ray, Ed, and several others knew that they were burned toast the day they opened the subject up with the GB. They did so out of great conviction and courage.
Noble thread Minimus
I agree. Currently reading CoC, just been reading about the Mexico/Malawi affair from the 1960's/70's. Truly shocking and enlightening! The GB have much blood on their hands and their duplicitous scales will one day come back to haunt them. Big respect and much peace to Raymond.
Even if Ray went along with things (I believe he must've felt things weren't kosher) how much blame can you give the man? At a certain point, we all sense that things aren't right but maybe Jehovah will fix it up in his due time. I think when one is raised in a religion, then it is very easy to overlook what might be questionable.
I admire Ray Franz too. I just think we need to get the story straight - he was a reluctant martyr. A very nice man to be sure, but he did not put his own head on the block. He did a good job of making up for his former support for the Watchtower after he was forced out.
I have never met him, but I have had a couple of nice emails from him.
Perhaps he wanted to stay on with a view to having a go at changing the org for the better. What he revealed has indeed exposed the fraud of the FDS for all to see.