Yes, cheers to Ray, although I hid your book last time I had a relative come to stay and I can't find it.
Ray Franz---A Man We Owe Our Thanks To
by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends
Robert K Stock
Reading Ray's books helped me shake off the blinders I put on myself at my baptism as a Witness in 1973. I used to excuse the local Elders as not applying the Watchtower correctly or not following what the Society taught. After reading Ray's books I realized the local Elders were screwed up because the Governing Body and the Watchtower Society is screwed up. The local Elders were doing things by the book alright and that book was not the Bible. Thank you Ray Franz.
drew sagan
Had to post my thanks on this line as well. One heck of a guy.
johnny cip
with out getting long winded,. mr Ray Franz. has taught me alot. thank you Ray.
Ray Franz books are the best investments I have ever made and I can never thank him enough for writing about his experience in the organization.
Thank you so much, Ray, for helping me bring my mind and life back to myself.
I know this thread is a tribute to Ray Franz, I may not have been as quick to get his book had I not went to Randy's site so I owe a lot of thanks to Randy also, as well as many others here.
I can really identify with Rays description of the secretive, manipulative and unjust tactics used by the
GB. Growing up as a JW I always thought that if their was a problem on the local level, we could trust that if
Brooklyn was made aware, they would correct it. Rays experience helped me understand that the tryanny and
insecurities of the puppets (elders, CO's and DO's) is only a reflection of the those holding the strings (GB).