If you think about it, he obviously knows we are imperfect. He knows that there are tons of religions to choose from. Now if we are imperfect, and choose to be catholic cause we believe it to be the right religion, we die? Or we choose to be witnesses, and see the faults in the wts, we die? Is this a test to see if we are his true followers? I think not. He wouldnt go as far as to make his "one and only true religion" look bad to test our faith, simply cause he knows we would be stumbled due to being imperfect.
Is Jehovah trying to stumble us?
by ButtLight 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If God had chosen the witnesses as his religion, i'd turn my back on him now. Thankfully he hasn't.
If there actually was some creature named jehovah and said creature did engage in such loathsome, manipulative behaviour, I would have no interest in living in 'its' world or universe for that matter.
If such a deity ever did reveal itself to me and decided to murder me, I would curse it until my dying breath.....amen! LOL
No matter what religion you practise, you'll die. The important thing is, will you live again? If you don't you won't notice it. If you live again, it's a gift and there is a God.
The JW's dont put the emphasis on the religion that the dead ones had, but the religion that those alive have, believing the end is close.
Is Jehovah trying to stumble us? If he is, the devil isn't needed.
Religion is not the answer.
Eph 4:4-6 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope at your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.
The WATCHTOWER confuses people in saying one faith means one religion or denomination but the Bible is clear that one faith means what it says.
Faith. As in Jesus.
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Romans 10:8-9 On the contrary, what does it say? The message is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. This is the message of faith that we proclaim: if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Is Jehovah trying to stumble us? If he is, the devil isn't needed.
True, but............. How would he allow the devil to move right on into his organization, and allow him to "trick" the wts into joining the UN?
How would he allow the devil to move right on into his organization, and allow him to "trick" the wts into joining the UN?
Either it isn't his Organization, or maybe he is telling the JW's that the UN isn't a bad thing afterall...
Well, for people to claim they are directed by gods holy spirit, Im sure he didnt wait till now to inform them its ok to take all portions of blood, just not at the same time. He would not let all those inocent people and children die, who refused to take it, and then decide to inform the wts its ok! Are you arguing with me jh? LOL, you know you cant win! I am woman hear me roar! Edited to add, I have a napkin on my head, which means I am now equal to you!
OK, now I'll put a napkin on my head and be superior once more....
Boxed elder bugs
This world is lying in the power of the wicked ones, and I don't think the JW explanation of a contest between God and the Devil explains it all for me because I think the Devil is kicking Gods butt right now, maybe God should put a napkin on his head when the Devil enters the room. The point was proven long ago that man cannot rule this world without a Gods help, is there a God who will step forward?