True, but............. ; How would he allow the devil to move right on into his organization, and allow him to ;"trick" ;the wts into joining the UN?
As my little brother puts it "they are just imperfect men who make mistakes. It is still the truth and Jehovah is still blessing them. They just made a mistake.".
My reply, If they are imperfect men and they make mistakes, then why do they expect us to follow them without question.
And Jehovah, I hope, is not trying to stumble us. We, humanity, have made this more difficult than it should be. It isn't about a RELIGION, IMHO, it is about spirituality and trying to live our lives as decent human beings. When Jehovah and Jesus decide to act, then they will sort out the rest. If the scriptures are accurate then all judgements will be made with Love, Justice, Wisdom and Power.