Something I want to tell you apostates part II

by LeftBehind 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    Thats great to hear leftbehind. I remember your first post and opened this one with intrepidation, so it was a nice shock to see how much things have changed.
    If you can sit things out as long as possible without saying anything you may get away without being d/f. It is better that way as it takes a long time to get your thoughts together about what to belief, as you said, in regards to the bible and also just about every other aspect of your life. Whilst you are coming to terms with being deceived your entire life it is very easy to say things that you will regret later.

  • Quentin

    You have cast aside the shakles of slavery and have become your own man...feels good doesn't it? Good for you my friend. Live life, I know you'll enjoy it...


    It's a very unique feeling when you finally discover the "truth"! Glad you did your own research and came to the conclusions on your own...that's the best way. Now you won't have doubts about the choice you made!


  • Confession

    Left Behind,

    I remember your post; even replied to it myself. The range of emotions you may experience over the coming months or years could prove frustrating, but your comfort will come from this...

    You care about the truth. The real truth.



  • BlackPearl

    It looks as if the Society will be facing more of this. Seems like a lot are leaving. Good job LBH.

  • AudeSapere

    Hi LeftBehind -

    Nice to hear from you again. Such an interesting few months you've endured (??). I remember my first few weeks on the net. I had been inactive for over 13 years - I think 'walk-away believer' describes my mentality for those 13 years. Once I decided to search Jehovah's Witnesses on the internet, ohhhh what information I found. Most of it was verifiable. Those first few weeks I barely slept. I remember being up until 4:30am. Sleep for an hour and then up an at work by 6:30am. It became an obsession.

    That obsession has died down - but I still love coming here. You've probably found that this is a very supportive - and responsive !! - group.

    With regards to Fading - There have been some threads on JWD that give some pretty specific advise on successful fading. It can be done. If I come across any of those threads I'll post them to you. The drawback is that when fading/faded, you still somewhat look over your shoulder. Once DF/DA is official, there is no guess work. You can be fully out and proud.

    I look forward to hearing more from you as you create the life you want to live. It's an exciting opportunity. Enjoy the journey!

    -AudeSapere. (Meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding)

  • justsomedude
    To those that remember me....

    Welcome back! I'm glad to see the change of heart and I know your brother is too.

    Good luck on road ahead and staying out of the sights of some zealot elder who will want to make trouble for you.

  • glitter

    I am so thrilled you have posted this! I remember Part 1 and feeling incredibly sad because really *nothing* was diving you from your brother... of course it was obvious to me, but I understood why you felt that way. Is your brother going to be joining us? (Or perhaps he is already here like you wondered in your post?)

    I hope you and your brother enjoy your quiet Memorial-night-in. :)

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Leftbehind,

    Your story realy touched my heart, as I too have come out and had previously shunned my disssociated brother. I feel your sadness and your shame. There are many of us who have the same experience. Try not to look back. Look forward. I am so.. glad you proved it to yourself. Now you know in your heart you have made the right decision! Hang in there! You have many friends here to support you!


    Lady Liberty

  • seattleniceguy


    I'm so happy to hear the posts here helped you. I like to imagine that mine made some small impact.

    I understand your feelings of shame over having shunned your brother. I shunned my father for six years while I was busy being an all-star Witness. Now, when I think about how I would have felt if I had waited until he was much older, or even (God forbid) dead, to come to my senses regarding this religion....well, I feel like I dodged a terrible, terrible bullet for both of us there.

    At any rate, let me tell you, you're in for an amazing adventure. Life outside the organization is so much bigger and more amazing than anything inside it. There's so much to learn and so many ways to grow. The road ahead will be challenging at times, but living life in the real world is worth it.

    Best wishes on your future journeys.


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