Are the 144000 Virgins or not?

by SickofLies 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • james_woods

    If you really think about this - you can mess your mind up:

    The 144,000 are all men. But, they are the bride of Christ.

    But, Christ is a lamb (male sheep?)...

    Ok - now it becomes obvious why they did not defile themselves with women?????

    As the farmer told the horse whisperer, "them sheep are all liars"

    By such logic, the WTS convinces us that 144,000 is a literal number. Obviously.

  • Abaddon

    Verging on the ridiculous, maybe...

  • Watching the Watchtower
    Watching the Watchtower
    Hmmm that also kind of insinuates that the 144000 are males as well, so how come there are female annointed

    Transvestites? ;)

  • foreal

    I just wanted know who's throwing the women sex parties, cuz I don't really want to deal with the 144,000.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    Hmmm that also kind of insinuates that the 144000 are males as well, so how come there are female annointed
    Transvestites? ;)

    I just KNEW IT !!!

  • KW13

    lol...dunno but if they are now, they are too old to do anything about it.

  • lovelylil

    Personally I believe that this whole chapter is symbolic. I could never understand why the number 144,000 was literal and then the description of those ones was symbolic. I asked many people when I was a witness and even elders and those who professed to be "anointed" and no one could come up with a satisfying answer. My reason for coming to this conclusion is as follows:

    The description is symbolic so therefore it would make sense that the number is also. The numbers are used in the bible as representative of something else. The number 12 meaning completeness. There are 12 Apostles and the number 12 (completeness) can be divided into 144,000 exactly 12,000 times.

    Also, I could never understand how the true church (or body of Christ) could only be made up of 144,000 faithful for two reasons:

    1 - The bible says as many as recieved him (Jesus) he gave authority to become sons of God. It does not say until the 144,000 is completed.

    2 - If you look back into the past, there have been tens of thousands of diciples of Christ put to death as martyrs. These include those thrown to lions, burned alive, tortured and killed by the catholics, etc.

    I find it interesting also that nowhere in Revelation does it equate the number 144,000 with those who sit on thrones or rule the earth. But about the great crowd (who the witnesses teach are earthly) it says they were chosen to sit on thrones. Rev. 5:9,10. Also, Rev. 7 says that the great multitude (or crowd) was in heaven.

    As someone pointed out, Revelation is a very symbolic book and should not be taken literally or the beast would be an actualy beast and the dragon an actual dragon! This is only my two cents worth.

    In light of what I think may be true that it is not literal, the virgins could be in a spiritual sense. Another side of the coin is that some believe that a literal number of 144,000 male, virgins will be sealed for deliverance during some time in the end. I am only adding this to show there are different views but I think we shall just have to wait and see. Lilly

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Some evangelicals look at it this way:

    1 Yup, just as the WTS says there are TWO groups mentioned in this chapter. One group does have a finite number. [ie 144k] Rev 7:1-8

    2 The other group is indefinite in numbers.[9-17]


    That is not the only difference: there is obviously an ETHNIC difference as well! [Jew-Gentile] If one group is of the "nations" ie Gentiles, the other group can't ALSO be of the same ethnicity

    What the WTS has not seen is the Time Factor. These two groups appear only "After these things" are mentioned in vs 1. It is only After certain things, mentioned in chap 6, ie the start of the Great Tribulation, that Rev begins to talk about these two groups. So, whoever they are, since the Great Tribulation has'nt started yet, they ARE NOT AROUND TODAY!!

    In the latest "Revelation" book, the WTS prattles on about the 144k and who the hell they are, but significantly, ignores the opening words of the Chapter.[pg 113]

    I pointed this out to a WT zealot. His answer? You have to remember that Rev is'nt strictly chronological. "After these things" can mean "way before these things, like in the 1st cent" Yeah right. Like Rev 7 come before chap 6, and chap 21 comes before chap 1 With that kind of logic you can prove the earth is flat.

    All can say is that at some future time, when me and the rest of us good guys will be heaven bound, when the Great Tribulation begins, somehow 144k Jewish virginal Billy Grahams will preach the "Kingdom message" and hopefully, if you can tear yourself away from erm.. ahem.."defiling yourselves" you will become part of a great crowd of Tribulation survivors. See you then maybe?


  • lovelylil

    Great point about the time factor. I went back and read it in its entirety and I think that is a GREAT point! Thanks.

  • mathead

    SYMBOLIC - buzz word - one of the WTS favourite

    It brings back memories - yep

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