Well the memorial finished an hour ago in Sydney, where is my wife?

by jwfacts 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jwfacts

    We get 24 as well, we get all the good US stuff, there would be nothing to watch if we relied on Aussie programs.

  • penny2

    I haven't been to the memorial for a few years now, but this is the first year I didn't get an invitation. It's a relief, but still it feels strange. Must be even more so when other members of the household have been.

  • jeeprube

    What do you think of our dry, boring accents JWfacts? My wife and I once vacationed in England, and the looks we would get everytime we spoke where very comical. By the end of the week I was speaking in some hack English accent. We walked into a bookstore on our last day, looking for a copy of the Scarlet Pimpernal......I walked up to the lady behind the counter, and asked for the book in the worst imitation of an English accent possible, not on purpose it just kind of came out that way. The lady was so offended I thought she'd fall off her stool.

  • Frog

    lol Paul, re Prison break...i had to drag my sorry butt to the memorial as moral support for my inactive father who's visiting me from interestate (Qld)...it was excruciatingly painful, i wanted get up and run out of the room screaming while heading for the nearest brick was to belt my head against...the talk was horrifyingly patronising for the sake of the "newly interested ones", the analogies were worse than I remember...there was stacks of scripture bending going on, taking tangents around their bible to arrive at a desired conclusion...it was second rate trash, and 1hour of my life that I will never get back!!

    funny thing was though, that my dad was busting to get out of there cos he was missing his favourite show, prison break lol! hehe

    btw, i hope your wife and daughter haven't been swallowed by the watchtower monster


  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    it was excruciatingly painful, i wanted get up and run out of the room screaming while heading for the nearest brick was to belt my head against...the talk was horrifyingly

    Ah that would be the demunz in you


  • Dirks Retort
    Dirks Retort

    No time for complacency; the cult will have a few tricks left to try and win back your wife.

    PS US TV will rot your already demonised mind!

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