What percentage of JWs are Real JWs?
What percentage of JWs are Real JWs?
by tank 27 Replies latest jw friends
Ummm... ... ... 2%
What exactly is a REAL JW??? Since their beliefs are imaginative maybe they are also?
Ken P.
Short answer: It varies - usually somewhere between 0 - 100%
Medium answer: So what do consider a real JW? I'm quite familiar with the term having once been a real 'at the centre of things' judgmental prick. After leaving, I found a number of people who I once viewed as suspect JW's at best, to be just as in need of de-programming as I was (oo that stuff get's in).
unclebruce who varied between 0-100% JW (but is now 0%JW according to the latest 'what is your religion' survey
drew sagan
What is a "REAL" JW? I know where you are going with this.
There are four kinds of people that are JW's and only four in my opinion.
Guide to the Jehovahs Witness Mindset
1. Hardcore Jws (Real Jws)
These are the ones that play by all the rules, allways putting "kingdom" (organizational) interests first. Many actually support the organization more than actualy study of the Bible itself. They almost see the organization as an addition to scripture.
2. Standard Jws
These ones still play by all the rules, but they have many of their own ideas they never share with anyone. The still love the organization, but also enjoy the Bible. They create apoligies in their minds regarding certain things that don't make sense, but still will allways be resolved to be a JW.
3. Weak Jws
A weak JW is someone that believes all of the JW theology, but succoms to the pleasures and desires of this world often. Their lack of spirituality in their mind is counterbalanced by the fact they are "attached" to "Gods Organization". They have a dependence on the Watchtower, even though they don't pay attention to its rules
4. Fading Jws
The smallest group of course is those that know it is not the truth, and wish to leave. They are ever fading, hoping they will be able to be done with the reilgion.
My guess is that the percentages go as follows
1 - %10
2 - %70
3 - %19
4 - %1 or lower -
Dr Jekyll
1. Hardcore Jws (Real Jws)
These are the ones that play by all the rules, allways putting "kingdom" (organizational) interests first. Many actually support the organization more than actualy study of the Bible itself. They almost see the organization as an addition to scripture.The Spiritual SS
I guess I'm in the #4 catergory and my wife is slowly gowing from 2 to 3........ Now thats what I call progress.... Or slow de-programming!!!
I would agree with Drew's assesment. I have also seen this play out within most churches I have attended.
drew sagan
de-programming it is! It's so strange to see how someone can move down the ladder of conviction, and how what you felt was SOOOOO important was actually something that the organization told you was important, thus not important after all.
Every Jehovah's Witness is a real Jehovah's Witness on a different subject.