How does mainstream Christianity explain "Other Sheep"?

by Alana 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Alana

    I'm preparing for a potential discussion with my mom and, especially if it occurs near this Memorial time, the discussion may contain the "other sheep" and how they are different and shouldn't partake of the emblems, etc. I know that I probably have this information researched already, but since my last move I can't find some my research materials. I could also ask the pastor of the church I attend, but that involves too much discussion as to what the JW's believe, etc. So, I thought I'd start here to get you all's thoughts as to how mainstream churches explain or think of the "other sheep" which Jesus said were "not of this fold".


  • Narkissos

    The "other sheep" are Gentiles.

    They are actually "not from (Greek ek, indicating origin) this fold" = not of the Jewish nation. The text implies that Jesus gathers people from different origins into one flock.

    The same idea is clear in John 11:52: "He did not say this on his own, but being high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus was about to die for the nation, and not for the nation only, but to gather into one the dispersed children of God."

  • TheListener

    I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for but : Gentiles.

    Ok now everyone else can fill in the supporting details.

  • TheListener

    Oh man. Narkissos you beat me by one minute!!

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    John 10:16 I have other sheep, which are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will hear my voice. They will become one flock with one shepherd.WEB

    Not of this fold. Not Jews. This is a distinct intimation that the gospel was to be preached to the Gentiles--a doctrine extremely offensive to the Jews. This prediction of the Saviour has been strikingly confirmed in the conversion of millions of the Gentiles to the gospel.~Barnes

    Christ calls the Gentiles his other sheep, by way of anticipation, because shortly they were to be so, and united together with the believing Jews, into one sheepfold: and whereas he says, he must bring these sheep in, we are to understand it not of a necessity of co-action, but of a necessity of compact; it being a federal agreement betwixt the Father and himself, that both Jew and Gentile should be one flock, inclosed in one fold, and presented to his Father as a glorious church.~Burkitt

    Not of this fold; those who as yet knew not God, especially from gentile nations. Isa 56:8.~Family Bible Notes

    4. The calling of the Gentiles.~Geneva Bible Footnotes

    16. other sheep I have . . . not of this fold: them also I must bring--He means the perishing Gentiles, already His "sheep" in the love of His heart and the purpose of His grace to "bring them" in due time. they shall hear my voice--This is not the language of mere
    foresight that they would believe, but the expression of a purpose to draw them to Himself by an inward and efficacious call, which would infallibly issue in their spontaneous accession to Him.
    and there shall be one fold--rather "one flock" (for the word for "fold," as in the foregoing verses, is quite different). Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary

    And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold. Not Jews, of whom his followers then were, but Gentiles who would soon be called to him. These would hear his voice, enter through the door,
    into the same fold as the Jewish Christians, so that there would be "one fold and one shepherd." There is only one Church and one door into it, and one Shepherd over it.~The Peoples New Testament Commentary

    i.e. not of the Jewish fold, but Gentiles. Joh 10:4; Isa 56:8; Joh 17:20; Ac 15:7-9.~Scofield

    And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice: and they shall become one flock, one shepherd. Jesus was speaking to the Jews, who had been frequently spoken of in Scripture as God's flock. The other sheep were Gentiles. They are spoken of as scattered sheep, and not as flocks, because with them there was no unity. Here, as everywhere, the truth breaks through, revealing Christ as the world's Redeemer, who would break down the middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile, and cause all true worshipers to have a common relationship to one Master.~The Foufold Gospel and Commentary on Acts

    For 2,000 years it has been commonly understood that the "other sheep" are Gentiles.

    May the Holy Spirit remove the veil from your mothers eyes.

  • greendawn

    The other sheep that are not of this fold are simply the gentile people that were to be gathered into the Christian church to be added to the Christians of Jewish origin.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    John 6:53 Jesus therefore said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, ye have not life in yourselves. ASV

    John 6:53 Jesus therefore said to them, "Most assuredly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you don't have life in yourselves. WEB

    John 6:53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.KJ

  • Alana

    YES! That is just what I was looking for. I know that I had some of this previously researched, but couldn't find it for quotes. Thank you all very much for this information. I don't usually push too much with my mom, as she'll be 80 this fall and without the JW beliefs, I do believe she'd be totally having the foundation of her entire life pulle out from underneath her. Of course, I had that happen, but I was in my 30's at the time and had more time to 'recover', but I just think she is the type that it would just kill her. But, I slowly bring up things to explain why I don't believe something anymore like she does. I can tell that she will start to "get it" and then will snap into 'cult mode'. Fortunately she is a sweet person whom I believe God understands and loves. :-)

  • Legolas

    In my NIV life application study bible it says under John 10:16....that the other sheep were non-jews, that jesus came to save gentiles as well as jews...that this is an insight into his worldwide die for the sins of the world.

  • cyberguy

    John 10 begins with “Most truly I say to YOU…” The context of John 9:40-41, shows that Jesus was talking to the Pharisees. In the illustration, Jesus liked these to “a thief and a plunderer.” Furthermore John 10:6 says “Jesus spoke this comparison to them.” Therefore, the question becomes which “sheepfold” did the Pharisees claim authority over? Did it include the Gentiles, as the WT line of argumentation would suggest? (They’re on slippery ground when then claim that the “sheepfold” of John 10:1-6 includes both Jews and Gentiles!) Consequently, the “other sheep” (John 10:16) must be referring to Gentiles.

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