New to Forum...Please Read!

by LaCatolica 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • LaCatolica

    Hello everyone...before I even registered here I thought I'd peek in and check what everyone was talking about! Well, it all sparked my interest and here I am...maybe you all can help me cope with my little problem!

    Here's some background:

    My husband, whom failed to mention he came from a JW family until after we were engaged and I pregnant with his baby, is not a strong JW. He had become disassociated from them. He used to be all into it at one point. Here I am, a Catholic woman (not very debout), mind you, but schooled Catholic, raised, and family and all...listening to him talk about it and feeling betrayed. I had NO idea. I didn't know much about JWs, all I knew was that they didn't celebrate birthdays, so my only answer to him was this, "Well, I don't know, but my daughter will have birthday parties whether your family likes it or not." His answer was this, "Oh, that's fine, you can do whatever." OK. I met his mother and she's a nice lady and all, but very much into it...sort of brainwashed, if you will. The more I got to know her and the rest of his family I became convinced. She offended me on many occasions, talking badly about Catholics and such. Saying that b/c I displayed my flag I didn't "know" the Bible...(huh?) Well, things of that nature. It was not very nice. I NEVER expressed my opinions about them or even questioned their beliefs. I just respected them and left it alone. Luckily, I haven't been offered any Bible studies or any magazines. She (Mother in law) has been good in that aspect. I don't think she was happy with the idea that her son, whom in her eyes had rebelled and failed as a JW, had married a Catholic...which made it even worse. At the beginning, she was cold and reserved...I have, b/c it's just the way I am, been nice, respectful, caring, helpful, etc. prooving to her that Catholics are good people,too...She has a bad habit of thinking that only JW women are perfect and wonderful. She has little by little began to open up her mind a bit. Well, I have been educating myself on JWs and doing some research for my own benefit. I needed to know what I was dealing with. What I have found out has amazed me. How can they live this way and believing all these things? Some make no sense...and they say that Catholics and others are wrong and blah, blah, blah. I don't know and never will.

    Now, it's becoming a bit frustrating because us Catholics do things a little differently than JWs. Their Memorial is today and they have invited me to their ceremony. I agreed to go out of sheer curiosity. I, then, asked my husband to come with me to Easter Mass on Sunday and he said, "no"...b/c he took an oath. I didn't think that was fair. I'm now debating whether or not to go tonight.

    Oh, and what is to become of our daughter. I wish her to be raised Catholic, but that might be another issue in its own.

  • Legolas

    Welcome to the board!

    I was raised Catholic as well (And wish I had never left it!) but then as an adult got brainwashed by the JW's...If you like/love your life...Keep you and your child away from the cult!

  • LaCatolica


    Thanks so much, but TRUST ME...NOTHING AND I MEAN NOTHING...JWs can say or do will ever make me convert. I LOVE MY RELIGION AND THE LEVEL OF FREEDOM WE CAN ENJOY WITH IT.

  • undercover
    Their Memorial is today and they have invited me to their ceremony. I agreed to go out of sheer curiosity. I, then, asked my husband to come with me to Easter Mass on Sunday and he said, "no"...b/c he took an oath. I didn't think that was fair. I'm now debating whether or not to go tonight.

    Welcome to board.

    And welcome to the world of trying to reason with a JW. It's okay for people of other faith to come to their services, but according to the JW faith, to go to any other church service is the same as worshipping Satan.

    If you still want to go just out of curiousity, go ahead, but don't expect a lot. It's pretty damn boring. But, if you don't think it's fair that he doesn't come to your service if you agree to go to his, you'd probably be better off to not go. Any indication that they might be able to convert you will only encourage them to try harder, which means more pressure from the mom-in-law.

    As for what religion to raise your children, that's a bigger problem. I personally lean to not raising kids with any one faith, but explain to them, as they start to question about God and religion, that different people have different ways of worshipping God, some don't think God exists, and it's up to each of us when we're old enough to decide what we think is the right way to believe. But, I don't have kids, so I may not be as realistic about as people with kids. I'm sure someone who has been through it already will give some advice.

  • kls
    Their Memorial is today and they have invited me to their ceremony. I agreed to go out of sheer curiosity. I, then, asked my husband to come with me to Easter Mass on Sunday and he said, "no"...b/c he took an oath. I didn't think that was fair. I'm now debating whether or not to go tonight.

    Well my feelings are that you can go to his Memorial out of respect for him then he should attend mass with you, but we are talking about a jw and with them it is all one sidded.

    Tell him NO WAY that you will honor his request t if he cannot do the same for you.

    By the way ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WELCOME

  • AuldSoul


    Anything you want to ask, feel free. If you want help with strategies on reaching your husband without driving him back into the cult, we have plenty.


  • LaCatolica

    Oh, are all great!!! I appreciate all this!

    It's even harder when all MY family lives in NYC and I am here in Dallas...practically surrounded by my husband's family and their beliefs totally outnumbered! I had to get smart and learn how to rebuttle whenever i was under attack. My husband is afraid of his mother and her hating him...which she already does b/c he's not as committed as he used to be. If he were to really get out of it, she WILL NEVER TALK TO HIM I hear!!! WHAT'S WITH THAT???.(THAT'S HIS MOM!!!)...THAT'S NOT VERY NICE!


  • unique1

    I would agree to go to the Memorial tonight, but only if he goes to the Passover with you on Sunday. If you are to be open minded so should he. You took an oath too when you became a true Catholic. If you are willing to attend a ceremony despite your oath he shoud too. If he doesn't then don't go. By the way at the Memorial, unless you are an annointed one (one of the 144,000 going to heaven) you aren't supposed to drink the wine or eat the bread. If you do partake of the meal, no one will stop you and it would be funny if you want to cause a little stir.

    As far as raising your daughter, you can raise her whatever you want, but she will believe what she wants to when she is an adult anyways. The good thing about both religions is they teach moral values and that is really what you want for your daughter isn't it? That she grow up to be a good person with morals and love for neighbor. Stress these qualities and your husband's family will find no fault with them, because they believe in them too.

  • kls

    Yes they do and to the farthest extent . I am also married to a jw and it is sick how controlled they are by their god fearing elders and the wt.

  • undercover
    If he were to really get out of it, she WILL NEVER TALK TO HIM I hear!!! WHAT'S WITH THAT???.(THAT'S HIS MOM!!!)...THAT'S NOT VERY NICE!


    That's why many ex-JWs consider the religion a cult.

    Members are not allowed to have any dissent, they're even discouraged from independant thinking. Questioning doctrine or teaching makes you suspect of being an "apostate" or one who turns their back on true worship. Inactive ones(like your husband) are treated as spiritually "sick" and "weak". People who get disfellowshipped(excommunicated) or who publically quit the religion are shunned by all members, including family.

    On the surface, if you were to go to a meeting, things would look happy and serene, especially during a special meeting like the memorial. But scratch the surface and you'll see some ugly things. You see it already, your MIL will shun her son just for not believing in her religion. Once your in, it is very hard to get back out, so the best thing anyone can do, is stay away from it.

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