Russia is doing everything wrong, they need to hit the problem in it's source hire a a group of ex JW to work for them, and then go to NY and spy at the headquarters looking for ever piece of dirty possible on them then present the evidence and prove that this is not a religion but ran as a company, even the pioneer letter thing you have to sign it's like a ran like a business and that what a elder told me and then he said it because it's the law of the land.
by DannyHaszard 55 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Freedom of religion or from religion is something all people should have. However, when a religion (or any other group) takes away the rights of health care and normal social behavior to its followers, I see no reason why a government can't step in to protect their citizens.
I agree with the above . . . protecting the freedom of the free includes protecting the vulnerable from destructive religious influence. WTS is destructive and targets the vulnerable. Simple
The Russians seem to have worked this out better than others which is ironic. I think the 200 in the hall should be thankful they were uniformed intruders.
Danny's machine gun has been silenced here.
i remember in the 80s at a convention that a high ranking gov offical had progressed to elder status in russian cong
the speaker said many may question whether appointments were by holyspirit would jehovah appoint a spy
it appears he would testing there faith get this it would also prepare them for the great tribulation
utter nonsense
This kind of actions, only reinforced WT and GB teachings that WE ARE PERSECUDED, because we are the only true religion. Remember Booze Jo? He got jailed because of his agressive way towards U.S Goverment. This boosted JW's considering that it was Satan's attack.
Any form of religious persecution against mind control cults it will bring the opposite outcome. I agree that they are a cult, and many like me, ex-jw disfellowshiped ones, our rights are violated by the WT, but still I strongly disagree with this kind of actions.
the prisoner No 6
WARNING, When i clicked on, POLICE TARGET JEHOVAHS WITNESSES, both my firewalls, went NUTS, telling me someone was trying to place MALWARE