by Mary 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    I tried logging on here last night after I got home, but I kept getting a message saying that there was an Error and I couldn't get on.

    Anyhoo, I walked in the Hall last night with my parents, who also roped my inactive brother into going. LOL! He asked me beforehand if I was going and I said yes, so he said he would go too. Made it a bit more barable, plus we didn't even go to our "own"---we went to another congregation's as it was earlier. We walked in and everyone was coming up to us telling us how wonderful it was to see us. Although I haven't seen these people in a couple of years so maybe they don't even know that I'm an 'postate inactive now.

    The brother that gave the talk was one of the most boring speakers I have ever heard. He had that flat, monotone voice that made an already boring outline ten times worse. As per usual, Jesus was barely mentioned. There was absolutely no mention whatsoever of Jesus' betrayal, his floggings, his trial, the trek to Golgatha, his death, how the guards cast lots for his garments, the fact that he was speared in the side, that he refused the drink they gave him, his actual death, how Joseph of Arimathea asked for his body, or what happened 3 days later. Guess all that wasn't very important.

    T here was, however, pu-lenty of emphasis on "the New Covenent" and who makes up that New Covenent. All kinds of readings from 1 Corinthians and Revelation "proving" that only 144,000 (or a "little flock") can partake of the emblems. The rest of us losers aren't worthy. And of course, they used the scripture "...I have other sheep that are not of this fold; these I must also bring.." to "prove" that there's two classes. I really felt annoyed at this and wanted to stand up and yell out "...he was talking about Jews and Gentiles, asshole, not a heavenly and "earthly" class!!"

    However, I really felt like giggling at the end, because he read word for word, what Elsewhere had posted about "...The many visitors here this evening are to be commended for showing appreciation for this most sacred occasion..." blah, blah, blah. I thought it hilarious that I knew what he was going to say before all the rest of the Dubs did......that monotone voice of his didn't help anyone. I started wondering who the hell assigned this guy to give the Memorial talk. Must be pretty slim pickins for him to get the job because he was truly pathetic. If I were a "worldly" person and that was my first trip to the Kingdumb Hell, it would also be my last. Anyway, we got done early, but in true Dub-dumb fashion, we weren't allowed to leave early, because that might lead to apostacy or something equally as vile Brother Monotone starts stressing that "....meetings are NOT an 'option'!! They're a requirement from Jehovah! (can you back that up with a scripture?) "...And for all we know, this might be the last Memorial we have in this wicked Old System of Things. (no shit eh?) Come to the Kingdom Hall to boost our sagging attendance and let us help you gain a good standing with Jehovah, yadda, yadda, yadda........" Whatever you say........they offered a "free home bible study" to anyone who wanted one. The only thing it'll cost you is your body, soul and spirit.

    Last night's really bugged me. I started thinking about what everyone else has. The Jews have several days of celebrating Passover, the Churches have Easter with all kinds of celebrations, and really interesting stuff like this play that I would have loved to have seen in Atlanta: which looked really fantastic. And what does the WTB&TS do? Have an incredibly boring 1/2 hour talk that does not discuss the last 48 hours of Jesus' life AT ALL, they pass around bread and wine that no one's allowed to partake of......and that's in. How totally pathetic..........

    I was glad to get the hell out of there..........ah, the things we do for our parents!! Did anyone else go?

  • jojochan

    Yeah I agree. It seemed too rushed and formulated for me. I'll post more later, but this is definitley my last memorial.


  • jojochan

    Oh, yeah...what pissed me off was that they had to plug the "specia" talk and free home bible study.



  • NewYork44M

    The real theme of the memorial is: We are going to pass the bread and wine. But you sure as hell better not take any.

  • jstalin

    I went to last year's memorial and experienced the same thing. It was horrible. The funny part was when he started on about the "many visitors" I chuckled to myself because I was clearly the only visitor in the place. It was maybe 30% full.

  • Legolas

    Ok really... what could be more blasphemous then going to 'the last supper' so to say and not partaking?

    Could you picture Jesus and all the disciples around the table and Jesus passes them the wine and bread and they don't take it!

    Mocking him to his face so to say!

    What utter idiots!

  • Blueblades

    Hi Mary! Thanks for the update. Scare tactics again:"This might be the last Memorial we attend". So, the focus was on that small group, nothing new there. It just might be the last Memorial that many from the rank and file attend after hearing that same old same old dried up talk. Many more will be getting out this year.Thanks again.Elsewhere's post gave us a heads up too. Special announcement at the end of the talk, nothing special, there are no qualified ministers in that Organization who can help people appreciate Jesus.


  • Emma

    In my forty-plus years of dubdom I can only remember one memorial talk that was moving and I can't remember who gave it. It chronicled the last days of Jesus' life and a blow by blow description of how it might have been to die in the manner he did. It was really hard to listen to but made clear what a sacrifice Jesus made.

  • Elsewhere

    I'm so glad I didn't have to go to the Memorial. I think I made far better use of my time by going with some friends to see the Five Browns accompanied by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.

    Go to the website link above and you can hear some of their work.

    If you ever hear of them going to the area where you live, you REALLY should go see them!

  • Lilycurly


    I didn't know Mel Gibson once gave Memorial talks!!??

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